RSAria! 1.0.41 Joomla! 3.x
RSAria! will enchant you with its minimalist design and stylish looks that can be customized to a great extent using the newly-introduced Shortcodes feature. Based on Bootstrap, it will open the door to the mobile market, taking your website to any screen size and platform.
Responsive Template for Joomla! 3.x

RSAria! Highlights


Fully Responsive

Module Positioning
RSAria! Features
- Completely adaptable layout
- Re-arrangable module positions
- Built on Bootstrap
- Stylish and intuitive
- 11 color schemes
- 600 Google fonts
- Social links
- Choose your own logo
- Beautiful front-page slideshow
- 'Call to action' boxes
- Pricing tables
- Tabs & accordions
- Beautiful front-page carousel
- RSMediaGallery! compatibility
- Powered by HTML5
- Fully responsive
- Modern browser support
- High-resolution tablets support
RSAria! Screenshots