Post to location (silent post)

Post to location (silent post) feature allows you to process the collected data via a custom action.

The Silent post feature can be accessed here: Components > RSform!Pro > Manage forms > edit a form > Properties > Post to location (Silent post).

Configuration options:

  • Post information to another location: allows you to enable or disable the silent post action
  • Post the information silently: if enabled the submitted information will be posted using cURL and nothing will be displayed to the user (useful for actions that need to happen in the background, for example adding a user to a mailing list). If you want display the URL you are posting the data to at your current location (eg. the page you are posting requires interaction from the user such as filling in additional fields) set this to No.
  • Method (usually POST): you can choose between two from posting methods: GET or POST
  • Post to URL: the URL that will perform the action (usually a path to a PHP file)

Advanced Parameters:

  • Click on the Add button in order to enable the Name field and Value field of your advanced parameters.
  • When using the Advanced parameters section, only the parameters you specify will be sent and not the whole form data as it's usually sent. This is useful if you selectively want to send certain information and also give the desired parameter names.


  • Click on the Add button in order to enable the Name field and Value field of your headers.
  • This is useful if you need custom headers added when posting data such as: Content-Type: application/json;
  • The Headers section is only available when the above "Post the information silently?" option is enabled.


  • The actual data processing will take place at the pointed out URL. The usual RSForm!Pro processes will not be affected by this option.
  • Considering that the default syntax used by RSForm!Pro when managing form data is $_POST['form']['fieldname'], it is to be noted that, when using the Silent post feature to post to another location, the syntax used for the POST method will be the standard one: $POST['fieldname'].

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