Form creation wizard guide

The 'New' button available under Components > RSForm!Pro > Manage Forms area will create a new empty form. The settings from Configuration > Defaults area will be taken into consideration for this method.

The Form Creation Wizard provides a fast, simple and intuitive solution for creating forms. In this article we will provide a step-by-step guide on how to use it.

To start the wizard, please head to Components > RSForm!Pro > Manage Forms and click on New (Wizard).

Step 1: General form information

What do you want to name your form?: Enter the form's title here. This will be displayed in the frontend.

What layout framework would you like to use?: Choose a layout for your form. The layout will determine the appearance of your form. Click on whichever layout framework your template uses or choose Responsive if you're not sure. Selectable options:

  • Responsive
  • Bootstrap 2.3.2
  • Bootstrap 3.4.1
  • Bootstrap 4.6.0
  • Bootstrap 5.1.3
  • uikit 2.27.5
  • UIkit 3.15.10
  • Zurb Foundation 6.6.3

The form's layout can be later edited to suit your needs. You can read more on this topic here.

The Classic & XHTML Layouts will be available only under your Form Properties area after installing the Legacy Layouts plugin.

In order to generate HTML compliant IDs, the field names must NOT:

  • contain spaces (if however there are any, these will be converted to underscores)
  • start with a number


Step 2: Emailing of results

The settings you change here will be reflected in the User/Admin Emails tabs. You can read more on how to set up the RSForm!Pro emails here.

Do you want to receive the results in your email?: Setting this to Yes will enable the Admin Email.


Where do you want the results to be emailed?: This fields corresponds with the To field of the Admin Email.


Do you want to email a confirmation copy to the submitter?: This corresponds to the User Email, setting this field to Yes will enable the User Email.


Step 3: Successful submission

Here you can specify the action to be taken after the form has been successfully submitted. Selectable options:

  • Just refresh the form page: As the name implies, the form page will be refreshed.
  • Show a "Thank you" message to the submitter: The "Thank you" message will be displayed. You read more on how to configure it here.
  • Redirect the submitter to a specified URL(web address): The submitter will be redirected to a URL of your choosing. Selecting this option will add one more field to the wizzard, Where do you want the submitter to be redirected ? , you can specify the web address in that field.
  • Do you want the form when submitted to be scrolled to the Thank You Message?: Yes / No.
  • Do you want the Thank You Message to be displayed in a Popup Window?: Yes / No.

Step 4: Optional - Predefined forms

Choose whether to start with a predefined form or not. Selectable options:

  • Blank form(don't use a predefined form)
  • Calculation form: A calculation form we have designed as an example, that can suit some general needs. You can modify this form by adding/editing/deleting fields and changing it's settings.
  • Simple contact form: A contact form we have designed as an example, that can suit some general needs. You can modify this form by adding/editing/deleting fields and changing it's settings.

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