
If a Pagebreak element is being added, the form will have multiple pages. The actual element is composed out of the buttons: Next and Previous, with two configurable tabs:
- Name: the name of the form component. This needs to be unique for each form. It can contain only alphanumeric chars. The name of the field is only used for internal reference - it will not be displayed in the front-end area.
- Next Button Label: the label of the button that will move to the next page.
- Prev Button Label: the label of the button that will move to the previous page.
- Validate When Changing Page: Yes / No. If enabled, all form fields will be validated using AJAX when clicking on the Next.
- Progress Message: This area comes with a predefined HTML code that displays a progress bar(on the form's page where the pagebreak element is being used). The progress code for the last page of the form is controlled from the submit button component.
- Display Progress Text: the predefined HTML code from the Progress Message also has a progress pagination which can be showed along with the progress bar. Enable this to show the progress text.
- Additional Attributes: can be used to trigger JavaScripts or for custom style. Anything that will be specified here, will be applied to both buttons.JavaScript: onclick="your_function()" - this will trigger a JavaScript function when you press a button.
CSS: style="margin-left:20px" - this will set a 20px margin on the left side.
Important: By default the next and previous buttons have their own onclick function added(used to change your form pages). If you wish to add another function to the onclick attribute, you should specify it without using the semicolon ";" symbol.
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