Joomla! extensions from RSJoomla! - Blog

RSMalta! Banner

We are happy to introduce you to our latest Joomla! Template - RSMalta!, a template that comes with a clean design and new features such as a built-in page builder, mega menu integration and content transitions.

04 Aug 2016 1 comments in Templates
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Joomla! no-update risks
  • Your website might get hacked

    A lot can be said when it comes to speaking about the risks of not upgrading your Joomla! Version. Security issues can and, most probably, will give you the most serious headaches.

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Joomla! CMS

If you used or considered using Joomla! years ago, this year the Joomla! CMS is worth a fresh look. By giving it a second glance, you will observe significant improvements with regard to user experience.

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Tagged with joomla 3, CMS, why Joomla

After upgrading to Joomla 3.6.0 either due to a faulty direct Joomla! update or by manually unzipping the update package within the root of your Joomla! installation, if your installer tabs are missing, please carefully follow the steps pointed out in this blog post to restore them.

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RSEvents!Pro Shopping cart

Improving the functionality of our components is an ongoing quest here at RSJoomla!. We learned a lot from our RSEvents!Pro experience together with our customer feedback and we decided that we can do better. This is how the RSEvents!Pro Cart Plugin was born.

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