Customer FAQ

Purchasing one component

Let's assume that you wish to purchase RSForm!Pro. Head to Extensions >> RSForm!Pro, click BUY NOW button and select the type of license you wish to purchase. There are 3 payment plans available for most of our components:

  • Single-site subscription for 12 months: 12 months of unlimited downloads, support and updates. Only valid for a single domain, 3 domain changes granted
  • Multi-site subscription for 6 months: 6 months of unlimited downloads, support and updates, for an unlimited number of domains
  • Multi-site subscription for 12 months: 12 months of unlimited downloads, support and updates, for an unlimited number of domains

All 3 license types require that you register your domain(s) on our website in order to get updates and support.

After adding to cart the desired license type, you will be redirected to the 2Checkout shopping cart where the component will already be present, with the selected payment plan. You can also enter a discount coupon (if you possess one) in the Discount coupon field. Then, select your preferred payment method, fill in the required details and click on Continue, you will finish the purchase on the payment processor's site.


Purchasing multiple components

If you wish to purchase multiple licenses on a single transaction, you will need to click on the < Back to shopping link found below the Discount coupon field after adding the first license as described above (without selecting a payment method and clicking on continue). This will redirect you back to our website's homepage where you can repeat the process described above. By clicking on another component's payment plan, that license will be added to the shopping cart along with your previous selection. Repeat this process until you have added all of the desired licenses, then choose your payment method and click on Continue.

The VAT tax

The Value Added Tax (VAT) is a tax added based on the purchase price. It differs for each country so the final pricing will vary depending on what country you making the purchase from.


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