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Say goodbye to "revisions"

Revisions have always been more of a "legacy" mode, dating from the first days of RSForm! Pro. They served their purpose but it's time for a much needed change.

A new version scheme: 1.2.3

During the following weeks we will migrate all of our extensions to a new version scheme. The first extension that already benefits from this change is RSMediaGallery!, which was migrated from R7 to 1.7.4. The new version scheme includes three parts:

  1. Major: This will only change when a new backwards-incompatible version of Joomla! is released (think of the differences between Joomla! 1.5 and Joomla! 2.5 / 3.x). This will allow us to keep two versions running in parallel while still providing updates for the older version(s).
  2. Minor: This was known until now as a revision. This gets updated anytime we release a pack of features of bug fixes (every such version will be announced on our blog, as it always had been).
  3. Bugfix: Bugs appear now and then. Any time a bug is fixed, this will be updated so that you, our customer, are aware and can benefit from the new version.

What are the benefits?

Until now, all bugs found after a revision has already been released have been fixed "silently". And this is because we only change the revision when we release a major update. Now, every bug fixed will be announced in the Changelog of the respective product and this will allow us to change the version so people know there's an update, no matter how small.

This will also allow us to keep parallel versions of an extension, each with its own roadmap. Think of it in the same way Joomla! keeps two versions.

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Happy Holidays 2013!

The entire collective here at RSJoomla! would like to wish you a Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and fantastic New Year's Eve party!

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Starting from today Tuesday 2'nd of April, until Monday 8'th of April, all of our multi-site subscriptions have a 20% discount.

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50% for RSFirewall! and RSSeo!

Amazing discounts for 2 of our Joomla! extensions this month:
50% OFF for RSSeo! and RSFirewall!.

"Like us" on Facebook and grab the coupon codes from our "Discounts" page.

Get the code NOW!

04 Apr 2011 1 comments in Uncategorized
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The RSFirewall! campaign received positive feedback from our subscribers, so we’ve decided to extended it one more month, to be able to purchase the component at half price in March as well.

All you need to do to get the discount code is to access your Facebook account and "Like" us on The discount will be visible for our fans in the "Discounts" page located on the left side.

RSFirewall! 50% discount

01 Mar 2011 0 comments in Uncategorized
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