Don't want to pay for every single template?
We have read Jisse Reitsma's latest book, Programming Joomla! Plugins, first edition (Academic Store, Netherlands, released October 2014) and we certainly recommend it!
With RSForm!Pro you can create Joomla! forms within minutes. In fact, anyone who tried it noticed what a flexible form builder RSForm!Pro really is. Features ? Integrations ? You name it, RSForm!Pro most likely has it! Read this blog post for more information about the component!
You can easily integrate your dotmailer account with RSForm!Pro using the new integration plugin! This will allow you to create and insert contacts in your address book using the data submitted in the form. Read this blog post for more information!
A new version of the integration between RSForm!Pro and Constanct Contact is available! The plugin uses the new API to deliver a smoother experience to the end-user. Read this blog post for more information
RSDirectory! v1.5.12 is here with a brand new commenting system. Read on to find out about more fixes and improvements brought to this extension.