RSFedra! 1.0.30 Joomla! 3.x
RSFedra! was designed having dynamism in mind. Whether your website sells travel packages, you are just showcasing your trips around the world or trying to gather a community of outdoor-passionate people, this template will bring the right look and feel.
Responsive Template for Joomla! 3.x

RSFedra! Highlights


Fully Responsive

Module Positioning
RSFedra! Features
- Completely adaptable layout
- Re-arrangeable module positions
- Built on Bootstrap
- 40 color schemes
- 600 Google fonts
- Social links
- Choose your own logo
- Beautiful front-page slideshow
- 'Call to action' boxes
- Pricing tables
- Tabs & accordions
- Full-width carousel
- RSMediaGallery! compatibility
- Styling for RSBlog! & RSComments!
- Powered by HTML5
- Inverted color schemes
- Modern browser support
- High-resolution tablets support
RSFedra! Screenshots