RSReina! 1.1.5 Joomla! 4.x & 5.x
A Joomla! 4 & Joomla 5 template for showcasing your Spa and Beauty services at their finest.
Bootstrap 5 Joomla 4 & Joomla 5 Template

RSReina! Highlights

RSPageBuilder! Integration

Clean Design

Bootstrap 5 Compatible
RSReina! Features
- Joomla! 4 & Joomla 5 compatibility
- Clean flat UI
- Powered by Bootstrap 5
- Seamless compatibility with all RSJoomla! Extensions
- Equipped with sample data
- Rearrangeable and resizable module positions
- Responsive Layout
- Icons integrated with FontAwesome
- 12 predefined color schemes to choose from
- Website preloader with effects
- Off-Canvas Menu
- Scroll to top button
- Logo feature
- Over 600 Google Fonts to choose from
- Simple Integration with Google Analytics & Google Tag Manager
- Easy Favicon replacement
- Search menu item & Login menu item
RSReina! Screenshots