RSShanti! 1.0.14 Joomla! 3.x
RSShanti! is a fully responsive, highly customizable template compatible with Joomla! 3.x. Its responsive capabilities are brought in by the well-known framework released by Twitter - Bootstrap, whereas the flexibility in customization is given by its multitude of configuration parameters and the built-in Shortcodes feature.
Joomla! 3 Responsive Template

RSShanti! Highlights

Mega-Menu Integration

Fully Responsive

Built-in Page Builder
RSShanti! Features
- Joomla! 3.x compatibility
- Clean flat UI
- Powered by HTML5
- 6 pre-defined themes to choose from
- Advanced customization with Shortcodes
- Seamless compatibility with all RSJoomla! Extensions
- MegaMenu integration
- Equipped with 1 sample data type
- Rearrangeable and resizable module positions
- Responsive Layout
- Icons integrated with FontAwesome
- Front-end Customizer
- Customizable menu from template options
- Parallax backgrounds
- Scroll to top button
- Logo feature
- Built-in template overrides
- Over 600 Google Fonts to choose from
RSShanti! Screenshots