RSTrone! 1.0.14 Joomla! 3.x
RSTrone! is a fully responsive, highly customizable template compatible with Joomla! 3.x. Its responsive capabilities are brought in by the well-known framework released by Twitter - Bootstrap, whereas the flexibility in customization is given by its multitude of configuration parameters and the seamless integration with RSPageBuilder!.
Support through our ticketing system for the free template is only offered to users that own a Template Club subscription — if you do not own one you will need to use our forum as a support channel.
Free Business Joomla Template

RSTrone! Highlights

K2 integration

RSPageBuilder! Integration

Front-end customizer
RSTrone! Features
- Joomla! 3.7 and upward compatibility
- Clean flat UI
- Powered by HTML5
- Equipped with sample data
- Rearrangeable, resizable module positions
- Responsive Layout
- Icons integrated with FontAwesome
- 12 predefined color schemes
- Website preloader with effects
- Off canvas menu
- Seamless K2 compatibility
- FadeIn Content
- Customizable menu from template options
- Scroll to top button
- Built-in template overrides
- Over 600 Google Fonts to choose from
- Easy Favicon replacement
- Element animations
RSTrone! Screenshots