RSVario! 1.0.35 Joomla! 3.x & 4.x & 5.x
RSVario! is the first free Joomla! template available here at RSJoomla!. It is compatible with Joomla! 3.x, 4.x, 5.x and will provide a full set of features that will allow you to easily present your business on the open web: responsive, flexible and easy to master.
Support through our ticketing system for the free template is only offered to users that own a Template Club subscription — if you do not own one you will need to use our forum as a support channel.
Free Joomla! Template

RSVario! Highlights

RSPageBuilder! Integration

Responsive Layout

20 predefined color schemes
RSVario! Features
- Joomla! 3.x, 4.x, 5.x compatibility
- Clean flat UI
- Powered by HTML5
- Advanced customization with Shortcodes
- Seamless compatibility with all RSJoomla! Extensions
- Equipped with sample data
- Rearrangeable and resizable module positions
- Responsive Layout
- Icons integrated with FontAwesome
- 20 predefined color schemes to choose from
- FadeIn Content
- Website preloader with 5 effects
- Customizable menu from template options
- Scroll to top button
- Logo feature
- Built-in template overrides
- Over 600 Google Fonts to choose from
- Easy Favicon replacement
RSVario! Screenshots