How do I change the name of the "Uncategorised" category
The only way to edit that category's name is through the language files. There are two methods you can use to achieve this:
Let's say that you are using the standard English (en-GB) language in your website's backend:
- Head to /administrator/language/en-GB and edit the en-GB.com_rsblog.ini file.
- Look for the following line: COM_RSBLOG_UNCATEGORISED="Uncategorised".
- Edit the label (contained within the ,", characters) to whatever suits your needs.
Using Joomla!'s Language Overrides feature
Joomla! includes, by default, a very useful language override feature that can save you from a lot of trouble when editing the language files:
- Head to Extensions >> Language Manager >> Overrides
- Click on the New button to the upper-right side of the screen
- In the Search text you want to change area (right side of the screen), select Constant
- Type in COM_RSBLOG_UNCATEGORISED in the Search field and click on Search
- Click on the search result below and head to the Create a New Override area to the left side of the screen.
- Type in your desired label in the Text field and click Save.
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