Manually uninstall RSBlog!

If for some reason the automatic uninstallation fails, follow these steps to manually remove RSBlog! from your Joomla!:
  1. Locate your Joomla! /administrator/components/ folder. Delete the folder named com_rsblog.
  2. Locate your Joomla! /components/ folder. Delete the folder named com_rsblog.
  3. Connect to your MySQL database and remove all of the _rsblog tables. For example, if your Joomla! database prefix is "jos", remove all tables that start with jos_rsblog.
  4. For instance, use this SQL script:
      DROP TABLE `jos_rsblog_categories`, `jos_rsblog_configuration`, `jos_rsblog_groups`, `jos_rsblog_posts`,
      `jos_rsblog_posts_categories`, `jos_rsblog_posts_tags`, `jos_rsblog_send_trackbacks`, `jos_rsblog_tags`,
      `jos_rsblog_trackbacks`, `jos_rsblog_moderation`, `jos_rsblog_rating`, `jos_rsblog_temp`
  5. For Joomla! 3.x: Browse the _extensions, _assets and _menus tables and erase all com_rsblog entries. For instance, use this SQL queries:
  6.   DELETE FROM `jos_extensions` WHERE `element`='com_rsblog'
      DELETE FROM `jos_menus` WHERE `link` LIKE '%com_rsblog%'
      DELETE FROM `jos_assets` WHERE `name` LIKE '%com_rsblog%'

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