Default and remove the "Frontend" event options tab when creating an event

RSEvents!Pro incorporates a feature to setup default Frontend event options for your user Groups when creating an event. However, any user who can create an event, could modify its event options.

1. Template overrides

In order to permanently disable or hide these Frontend options when creating an event, you can perform template overrides for the "add/edit event" file, located under this path:

2. Code adjustment

Open the duplicate used for template overrides and search for:

<li id="rs_li_11"><a href="javascript:void(0)" class="rs_title_1" id="rs_menu_item_11"><span id="rs_icon_11">
<?php echo JText::_('COM_RSEVENTSPRO_EVENT_TAB_FRONTEND'); ?></span></a></li>

Remove or comment this code and the Frontend event option tab will no longer be shown.

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