
Starting from version 1.9, RSEvents!Pro has introduced Global Discounts. With this you can easily create discount coupons for multiple events from the same area, not needing to access each event and configuring the same discount multiple times. You can also create rules for applying discounts when users purchase a certain amount of tickets, when multiple ticket types are bought, when the total exceeds a particular amount or event discounts for specific payment gateways.

The previous discount functionality is still available from the event configuration, this feature was added to provide that extra functionality so many users requested.


Please make sure that the discount functionality is enabled from the event configuration, otherwise the global discounts will not be applied to the event!

The configuration options available when creating a global discount are:

  • Name: the name of the discount coupon
  • Code: the code that will enable the discount (you can also generate this automatically from the Generate button)
  • From: the starting date the coupon can be used in
  • To: the final date the coupon can be used in
  • Max usage: the maximum number of uses for the coupon
  • Discount: the discount amount. You can select between a fixed amount and a percentage
  • Event assignment: All events/ Selected events / All except selected events : here you will select to what events the discount will be available for
  • Events: when using the Selected events and All except selected events options you can manually select the events from this field
  • Instant application: you can select the user groups the discount will be applied automatically to. You can use this in combination with the discount rules below.

The different discount rules described above are controlled from the Options section. The current available options are:

  • Apply coupon if more than [..] of the same ticket are purchased.
  • Apply coupon if more than [..] different tickets are purchased.
  • Apply coupon if more than [..] tickets from multiple events are purchased.
  • Apply coupon if total is greater than [..]
  • Apply coupon if payment method is [..]

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