
The RSEvents!Pro >> Import area allows you to import events from third party sources, such as: RSEvents!, JEvents, JCalPro, Ohanah and CSV.


Make sure that the event source corresponds with the importer listed version. Not using the correct version, can result in a improper import.

Apart from CSV, all other require just a simple click. To be able to import from a CSV file, the columns need to be placed in the following order:

  1. Event name
  2. Start date and time
  3. End date and time
  4. Event description
  5. Event URL
  6. Event email
  7. Event phone
  8. Location name
  9. Location address
  10. Category Name
  11. Category Description
  12. Tags

Example. The content of the CSV file would look like this:

"First event name","2015-10-15 10:48:31","2015-10-17 10:48:31","Event Description","Event URL","Event Email","Event Phone","Location Name","Location address","Category name","Category description","tag1|tag2|tag3"

"Second event name","2015-10-15 10:48:31","2015-10-18 10:48:31","Event Description","Event URL","Event Email","Event Phone","Location Name","Location address","Category name","Category description","tag1|tag2|tag3"

"Third event name","2015-10-15 10:48:31","0000-00-00 00:00:00","Event Description","Event URL","Event Email","Event Phone","Location Name","Location address","Category name","Category description","tag1|tag2|tag3"

"Event with multiple categories","2015-10-15 10:48:31","0000-00-00 00:00:00","Event Description","Event URL","Event Email","Event Phone","Location Name","Location address","First category|Second category|Third category","First category description|Second description|Third description","tag1|tag2|tag3"

You can select a date format that will be applied to the event start and end dates when importing from CSV.

Note: You can use the | pipeline symbol to specify multiple categories/tags within the CSV contents.

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