Content plugin

The RSEvents!Pro Content plugin allows you to display event information within a Joomla! article.

The plugin can be downloaded from our website, in the Downloads area. You can read more on how to install it here.

Adding an RSEvents!Pro event's information within a Joomla! Content article's text is fairly simple, through a custom syntax. Assuming that the event's id is 1, you need to add:

{rseventspro id="1"}

The final result should be similar to the one presented in the image.

Note: You can add as many events as you like in an article, there is no limitation for the number of uses of the syntax:

{rseventspro id="1"}

{rseventspro id="2"}


RSEvents!Pro's content plugin's functionality can be extended by adding more parameters in the syntax. a complete example can be seen below (note that you do not use ID in this syntax because it overrides the other parameters):

{rseventspro type="past" start="2015-06-21" end="2015-06-29" archived="0" childs="1" categories="Events,Art" locations="Location 1,Location 2" tags="tag1,tag2,tag3" ordering="start" order="DESC" limit="3"}

Although the parameters are self-explanatory, you can find below some additional information on the "keywords" that you can to use:

  • Events list layout: Select the RSEvents!Pro events layout, from Global / Default / Columns
  • Columns number: Select the columns number (1/ 2 / 3).
  • type: can be -> "past", "today", "archived", "thisweek", "nextweek", "thisweekend", "nextweekend", "thismonth", "nextmonth", "upcoming", "ongoing" or "timeframe";
  • start:is available only for -> types: "past","archived","thismonth","nextmonth","upcoming","timeframe";
  • categories, locations, tags -> You will need to use the exact name of the category/location/tag and multiple elements are separated by comma;
  • limit -> This always has to be a numer
  • ordering of the events can be done through the plugin's backend (Extensions > Plugin Manager > RSEvents!Pro Content Plugin) or directly through the syntax and can be ordered by -> "name" or "start";
  • archived and childs parametrs are enabled/disabled using 0 (for no) and 1 (for yes)

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