
RSEvents!Pro Map module

The RSEvents!Pro Map module allows you to display a general map with all locations pin-pointed to it.

The module can be downloaded from within the rsjoomla.com > My downloads section. Note that you need to have an active RSEvents!Pro license to be able to do this. To learn how to install the module, please refer to the installation tutorial

Module specific configuration options:
  • Module Class Suffix: the CSS class specified here will be applied to the module container. This allows control to individual module styling.
  • Map width: the width of the displayed map, specified in pixels.
  • Map height: the height of the displayed map, specified in pixels.
  • Custom Itemid: links that will be posted via this module will incorporate the item id parameter as specified here.
  • List type: set your list type: All events, Archived events, Future events, User events
  • Show canceled events: Yes/No - if set to yes, the canceled events will be included as well, according to your selected options
  • Show full events: Yes/No - if set to yes, the fully booked events will be included as well, according to your selected options
  • Show archived events: Yes/No - if enabled, this option will also include in the events list, the events that are archived and correspond to your selected options
  • Categories: the event categories that will be included in the listing.
  • Locations: locations that will be included in the event filtering criteria.
  • Tags: events that incorporate the tags specified here will be included in the listing.
  • Speakers: you can choose to display events that have specific speakers assigned.
  • Sponsors: you can choose to display events that have specific sponsors assigned.

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