Creating a new language file

As you might know, all our language packs are donated by the community. If you want to give something back to your community or just enjoy the privileges of being a translator for RSJoomla!, you can consider using one of the below given methods to create a language pack.

Classic method

In order to manually create a language pack, you will have to translate the existing English language files (all our components are merchandised in English) found in your component's installation folders. In order to do this, follow the steps below:

  1. Gather the English Language Files from your component installation, you can find them in the following folders:
    • Front-end files can be found in: /language/en-GB
    • Back-end files can be found in: /administrator/language/en-GB

  2. Edit and translate the following .ini files:
    • Front-End language files:
      • en-GB.mod_rsfirewall_protected.ini
      • en-GB.mod_rsfirewall_protected.sys.ini
    • Back-End language files:
      • en-GB.mod_rsfirewall.ini
      • en-GB.mod_rsfirewall.sys.ini
      • en-GB.plg_system_rsfirewall.sys.ini

  3. After finished translating, don't forget to rename the files accordingly and copy them in the corresponding language folder, Spanish language example:
    • Back-End files (, etc) will have to be copied here: /administrator/languages/es-ES/
    • Front-End file ( /languages/es-ES/

Note: We recommend that you use the corresponding HTML code for UTF-8 characters. If you choose not to use HTML codes for your UTF-8 characters, please make sure that you save the file with UTF-8 no BOM encoding.

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