RSForm! Pro Changelog
24 Feb 2025
Version 3.3.11
- Added - 'Items Number' option for the 'Submissions - Directory' menu item.
- Added - 'Restricted Text Filtering' validation rule allowing you to prevent submissions from containing specific text (eg. links, names, @ sign etc).
- Added - 'Readonly' option for 'Textbox' and 'Textarea' fields.
- Updated - 'Submissions - Directory' pagination now displays total number of items.
- Fixed - In some cases importing submissions from CSV would throw an error if 'UserIp' was not supplied in one of the columns.
- Fixed - Bootstrap 5 assets can now be loaded by the System - RSForm! Pro Plugin in the onAfterRender() event.
26 Nov 2024
Version 3.3.10
- Updated - In the 'Filter Values' option of the 'Submissions - Directory' menu item the following placeholders can now be used to match currently logged-in user data: {global:username}, {global:userid}, {global:useremail} and {global:fullname} as well as {global:today} and {global:unixtoday} for Y-m-d and UNIX dates.
- Updated - {if} scripting can now be used in all the User, Admin and Additional Email fields (to, cc, bcc, from, from name, reply-to, reply-to name, subject).
- Updated - Placeholders can now be used in the actual URL of Post to Location (Silent Post).
- Updated - A right margin was added to be able to scroll the fields (when editing a form) on Android.
- Updated - The active Configuration tab is now remembered.
- Updated - The pop-up from 'Edit the Error Message', 'Edit the Thank You Message' and 'Edit the Email Text' now shows the specific section that's being edited.
- Fixed - When 'Auto-Generate Email Message' is set to 'Yes' Captcha fields are no longer included in the text.
- Fixed - In some cases filtering submissions by date in the Manage Submissions area would throw an error.
- Fixed - Changed DOMContentLoaded Javascript to be triggered on document instead of window to solve issues with JS minification.
- Fixed - On some servers images were not resized when using a File Upload field with 'Allow Only Images' set to 'Yes'.
- Fixed - In some cases the form would not scroll to the File Upload field that failed validation when AJAX validation was turned on.
- Fixed - A Javascript error could occur on Chrome when submitting a form while using ReCAPTCHA V3.
10 Jul 2024
Version 3.3.9
- Fixed - When using the Birthday Field an error occurred after updating to v3.3.8 when using PHP 8+
10 Jul 2024
Version 3.3.8
- Added - 'Survey Table' field.
- Updated - Mappings can now use LAST_INSERT_ID() from a specific query by using the {last_insert_id_NUMBERHERE} placeholder.
- Updated - TCPDF updated to v6.7.5
- Fixed - Remote mappings were throwing an error on Joomla! 3
- Fixed - Importing submissions from CSV would always set them to the current date instead of the mapped value.
- Fixed - In some cases when using custom PHP code and conditions it wasn't possible to update the field's properties if the old code contained errors.
02 Jul 2024
Version 3.3.7
- Updated - UIkit 3 updated to v3.21.6
- Updated - Foundation updated to v6.8.1
- Fixed - Submissions can be confirmed only once to prevent re-sending emails.
- Fixed - Some Form Layouts would generate unnecessary validation placeholders for 'Free Text' and 'Field Preview' fields.
19 Jun 2024
Version 3.3.6
- Added - 'Table Alignment' parameter for the 'Submissions - Directory' menu item.
- Updated - 'Checkbox Group' and 'Radio Group' fields now use @m classes when Form Layout is set to UIkit 3.
- Updated - 'Submissions - Directory' menu item's 'Dynamic Filtering Values' parameter now accepts static submission fields as well (e.g. DateSubmitted).
- Fixed - 'Phone Number' field would not store the information when 'Use AJAX Validation' was set to 'Yes'.
- Fixed - Saving old conditions would incorrectly order them last.
18 Jun 2024
Version 3.3.5
- Added - 'Phone Number' field.
- Updated - 'Conditional Fields' can now be reordered.
- Updated - Dragging and dropping form fields now works on mobile devices.
- Fixed - When sending emails, repeating the same email in the recipient list would prevent further emails from being sent due to how the Joomla! Mailer class works.
27 May 2024
Version 3.3.4
- Added - 'Preview Field' - allowing you to preview the values from other form fields.
- Added - 'Restricted Words' validation rule which disallows submissions containing defined words.
18 Apr 2024
Version 3.3.3
- Fixed - Joomla! 5.1 Dark Mode fixes.
- Fixed - 'Add to Backend Menu' was throwing an error on Joomla! 3
- Fixed - In some cases the field properties were loading a cached incorrect version based on the default language.
12 Apr 2024
Version 3.3.2
- Added - 'Edit Modal Width' option to increase the width of the field editing modal.
- Updated - 'List of Disposable Email Domains' now accepts the * character as a wildcard to trigger part of the domain such as *.xz
- Fixed - Forms added as backend menu items are no longer removed when updating the extension.
- Fixed - When using Syntax Highlighting some Javascript errors could appear on the page in Joomla! 5 due to CodeMirror 6.
- Fixed - Selecting a 'Default Ordering Column' in the 'Submissions - Directory' menu item without actually setting the field as 'Show in Listing' would result in 0 submissions being displayed.
- Fixed - Clearing an uploaded file when editing a submission through the 'Submissions - Directory' menu item would not actually delete the file.
14 Mar 2024
Version 3.3.1
- Updated - In the 'Submissions - View' menu item the 'HTML Layout', 'Row Layout' and 'Details Layout' fields now show a CodeMirror editor for easier editing.
- Fixed - An email address containing any of the / : ? @ characters would throw a PunycodeHelper error on Joomla! 4 and 5
- Fixed - Further validation in the 'Submissions - Directory' menu item to prevent SQL errors from showing up.
04 Mar 2024
Version 3.3.0
- Added - Joomla! 5 native compatibility - no longer needs the 'Behaviour - Backward Compatibility' plugin.
23 Oct 2023
Version 3.2.2
- Added - 'Date and Time Picker' has the following validation rules available: 'Regex', 'Same Value as Other Field', 'Unique Field' and 'Unique Field per User'
- Updated - Dark Mode in Joomla! 5 was unreadable.
- Updated - Some Joomla! 5 code improvements.
- Updated - Using Uikit3 @m classes for column sizing.
- Updated - Bumped minimum requirements to use PHP 5.5
- Fixed - Reply-To could be missing entirely when specifying multiple 'Reply-To' emails.
- Fixed - Tooltips were not showing up in Joomla! 5 when editing a form field.
- Fixed - In some cases restoring a backup from an old version of RSForm! Pro would throw an error.
- Fixed - In some cases the 'Save Data To Database' option would not work correctly.
10 Oct 2023
Version 3.2.1
- Updated - Birthday Field will now display the current year when 'End Year' is set to 0 or empty.
- Updated - RSForm! Pro will no longer install on Joomla! 5 without the Behaviour - Backward Compatibility plugin being enabled first.
- Fixed - Backend menus with no permissions were still showing up on Joomla! 4 with PHP 8+
- Fixed - Some translations from 'Permissions' were no longer used.
- Fixed - SEF Router will now create form paths as '1-form-name' instead of '1:form-name'.
- Fixed - Some misconfigured hosts do not send emails if 'From Email' is set - if 'From Email' is left blank, emails now attempt to be sent.
25 Sep 2023
Version 3.2.0
- Added - Adding form fields is now done from an 'Offcanvas' element.
- Added - Form fields can be created in a specified row and column of the form.
- Added - When using 'Enable Confirmation By Email' the IP and date of confirmation are now stored.
- Added - {global:confirmedip} and {global:confirmeddate} placeholders.
- Added - Can set a different Itemid when clicking on 'Preview' form.
- Added - 'HashCash Honeypot' spam prevention field as a GDPR alternative to Captcha.
- Updated - Fields now have <label>, 'form-control' and 'form-select' classes when editing a submission in the 'Submissions - Directory' menu item.
- Updated - UIkit 3 updated to 3.16.26
- Updated - Using native UIkit 3 classes for grid sizing where these are available.
- Updated - Custom UIkit 3 grid classes are now loaded from a separate file.
- Updated - Nonce added to scripts and stylesheets when using the 'System - HTTP Headers' plugin and the 'System - RSForm! Pro' plugin.
- Updated - Can use the {nonce} placeholder in the CSS and JS sections.
- Fixed - 'Confirmed' field will no longer show up in the Directory configuration unless the form has 'Enable Confirmation By Email' set to 'Yes'.
- Fixed - 'Date and Time Picker' now allows dates up from 1920.
- Fixed - No longer allowing buttons to be rendered as <input> tags.
- Fixed - Confirming a submission from the backend did not trigger the confirmation flow (email sending, plugins triggering).
- Fixed - A PHP error could occur when specifying a wrong 'Date Submitted' value in the 'Submissions - Directory' menu item.
- Fixed - Having 'Enable Email Logging' set to 'Yes' and a wrong 'Path to Log Folder' could prevent emails from being sent.
23 Jun 2023
Version 3.1.11
- Added - {fileupload:count} placeholder that returns the number of uploaded files.
- Fixed - In some installations the 'Name' and 'Default Value' of a 'Hidden Field' were showing in reverse order.
- Fixed - Restoring form backups was not working on some servers.
- Fixed - Uploading a file through the 'Select File From Server' window would show an error on Joomla! 4.
07 Jun 2023
Version 3.1.10
- Added - Event triggers after emails have been sent: onRsformAfterUserEmail, onRsformAfterAdminEmail, onRsformAfterAdditionalEmail.
- Added - Directory fields can now be configured to be sorted as 'Number' or 'Date'.
- Added - 'Minimum Length' and 'Maximum Length' validations.
- Updated - PHP 8.2 compatibility improvements.
- Updated - Newly created forms will now default to '{global:mailfrom}' and '{global:fromname}' in the Admin Emails section.
- Updated - 'Textarea' fields now accept '%' or 'px' in 'Rows' and 'Cols' properties.
- Fixed - Uikit 3 tooltip markup was not generated correctly.
23 Mar 2023
Version 3.1.9
- Fixed - PHP Code could not be saved in the 'Submissions - Directory' menu item's 'Dynamic Filtering Values' area.
- Fixed - 'Show Only Filtering Results' now works with 'Dynamic Filtering Values'.
- Fixed - Importing submissions from a CSV would throw an error if the 'Confirmed' column did not contain numeric values.
28 Feb 2023
Version 3.1.8
- Updated - 'File Upload' will now accept 'webp' images when 'Allow Only Images' is set to 'Yes'.
- Updated - Thumbs from the 'File Upload' field can now be created as webp images.
- Updated - TCPDF updated to 6.6.2 for PHP 8.1 compatibility.
- Fixed - Google Maps API was showing a warning in the console due to a missing callback.
- Fixed - Viewing PDF submissions in the frontend could display a PHP warning due to a missing $app->close() call.
- Fixed - Specifying a 'List of Disposable Email Domains' in combination with the 'Email Validation' rule could throw a PHP warning in some cases.
01 Feb 2023
Version 3.1.7
- Updated - Editing a submission using the 'Submissions - Directory' menu item now uses a simple CSS layout instead of relying on tables.
- Updated - IP address now takes into account the 'Behind Load Balancer' setting from Global Configuration.
- Updated - Bumped minimum requirements to use Joomla! 3.9.0+
- Updated - All layouts now generate an 'rsform-type-[field-type]' class for field containers.
- Fixed - If 'Enable Syntax Highlighting' was set to 'Yes' other editors on the page would show duplicate buttons when editing a form.
- Fixed - Built-in Captcha could throw an error on PHP 8.1
- Fixed - In some cases the File Upload validation message was not escaped correctly.
13 Dec 2022
Version 3.1.6
- Fixed - 'Dynamic Filtering Values' are now checked to prevent duplicates when the menu item is saved.
- Fixed - In some cases clicking on 'Save & Close' would result in a blank form in the frontend until the form is edited again.
13 Dec 2022
Version 3.1.5
- Added - 'System - RSForm! Pro CLI' plugin to interact with the Joomla! 4 cli/joomla.php script and provide automatic backups, old submissions removal and CSV export.
- Added - 'Download All Submissions in CSV' option when configuring a Directory, allowing users to download all submissions in the frontend.
- Added - 'Allow HTML' for 'Calendar' and 'Date and Time Picker' fields - this will allow to write HTML in the 'Popup Label' so you can, for example, place icons inside your buttons.
- Added - 'Placeholder' attribute for the 'Calendar' and 'Date and Time Picker' fields (when 'Calendar Layout' is set to 'Popup').
- Added - 'Dynamic Filtering Values' for the 'Submissions - Directory' menu item.
- Updated - CSS and Javascript has been minified.
- Updated - media/com_rsform/directory.css is now loaded on the 'Directory - Submissions' page as well.
- Fixed - A PHP Warning could show up on PHP 8+ when exporting submissions into CSV format.
- Fixed - Submissions could not be viewed or downloaded as PDF in the Directory menu item if 'Show Submissions For User ID' was used and the logged-in user didn't match.
- Fixed - 'Date and Time Picker' field will now allow escaping the date format by using the forward slash \ character.
17 Oct 2022
Version 3.1.4
- Added - Emails can be deferred until submission is confirmed through the 'Defer Emails Until Confirmation' option.
- Updated - 'Confirmation Link' when editing a submission in the backend, to manually confirm a submission and trigger deferred emails.
- Updated - Placed all submission confirmation options inside their own group under Form Properties - Form Info - Confirmation.
11 Oct 2022
Version 3.1.3
- Added - PHP Scripts in the Directory configuration: Scripts called on Edit Layout, Scripts called when submission is updated.
- Fixed - 'Manage Submissions' is now wrapped inside a 'table-responsive' class for easier horizontal scrolling.
- Fixed - In some cases, errors were not shown when saving a Directory in the backend.
03 Oct 2022
Version 3.1.2
- Added - Triggers: onRsformBackendValidateName, onRsformBeforeReturnUrl.
- Updated - UIkit 3 updated to v3.15.10
- Fixed - No longer generating duplicated Javascript code for 'File Upload' fields.
- Fixed - 'Submissions - Directory' is now wrapped inside a 'table-responsive' class for easier horizontal scrolling.
- Fixed - In some cases, new lines were stripped from the CSV export.
12 Sep 2022
Version 3.1.1
- Added - Can specify a different 'Multiple Selections Separator' when exporting submissions.
12 Jul 2022
Version 3.1.0
- Added - Triggers: onRsformBackendBeforeGrid, onRsformBackendAfterCreateFieldGroups, onRsformBeforeSilentPost, onRsformBeforeMappings.
- Added - 'Allow HTML' for 'Submit Button', 'Button' and 'Pagebreak' fields - this will allow to write HTML in the 'Label' so you can, for example, place icons inside your buttons.
- Updated - Changed minimum requirements to use Joomla! 3.9.0 or newer.
- Updated - PHP 8.1 compatibility improvements.
- Updated - Form Fields are now grouped accordingly. The 'CAPTCHA Antispam' field has been moved to 'Spam Protection' as we now have several fields for this.
- Fixed - Some AJAX requests in the backend are now using POST to prevent incorrect caching on some servers.
- Fixed - Some jQuery calls in the backend have been changed to vanilla JS.
- Fixed - 'Toggle Quick Add' was generating too many <pre> tags.
- Fixed - After deleting certain fields the exact field types could not be re-added until the page was refreshed.
- Fixed - A new 'Submissions Directory' menu item will now require to explicitly choose a value for the 'Enable Directory' option before it can actually be saved.
28 Jun 2022
Version 3.0.20
- Added - {global:utc_date_added} placeholder which will return 'DateSubmitted' in UTC SQL format.
- Added - Individual placeholders for File Upload fields with 'Multiple' set to 'Yes' - {FileUpload_index:value} will now return the file with the corresponding index.
- Updated - PHP 8.1 compatibility improvements.
- Updated - Dynamically generated Javascript will no longer be placed inline.
- Updated - Multipage forms will now have a 'formHidden' class by default to prevent long forms from flashing all fields during page load.
- Updated - Deleting your own submission now uses a separate page for confirmation to avoid deletion URLs from being accessed by mistake or by a bot. Old links will still work.
- Updated - In order to generate HTML compliant IDs, spaces are no longer allowed in the 'Name' property of fields. These will be converted to underscores.
- Updated - In order to generate HTML compliant IDs, the field 'Name' property must not start with a number.
- Updated - When a form can't be saved during a restore, the exact JTable error message will now be displayed.
- Fixed - When editing a form, the 'Thank You' description was wrong.
26 May 2022
Version 3.0.19
- Updated - Reworked Foundation layout to use the new XY Grid.
- Updated - Accessibility improvements: Radio and Checkboxes generate an 'id' attribute for the label in the form of 'fieldname0-lbl'.
- Updated - Accessibility improvements: Radio and Checkboxes generate an 'id' attribute in the form of 'fieldname-grouplbl' for the 'Caption', which is referenced by each item with an 'aria-labelledby' attribute.
- Updated - Accessibility improvements: Radio and Checkboxes are now contained inside a '<div role="group"></div>' container.
- Updated - Accessibility improvements: Birthday Field dropdowns now each generate an 'aria-label' attribute.
- Updated - Exporting submissions now automatically tries to resume after a few seconds when a server-side error occurs.
- Fixed - When editing a submission in the backend, items from Checkbox / Radio or Dropdown fields are no longer disabled even if explicitly set.
- Fixed - When 'Captcha' is set to 'Invisible' the 'Caption' is ignored and no longer takes up space in the form.
- Fixed - Inputs and labels from Radio and Checkboxes generated using the 'uikit 2' and 'UIkit 3' layouts were showing up too close to each other.
26 Apr 2022
Version 3.0.18
- Fixed - Birthday Field would incorrectly save submissions as "00 / 00 /" if no values were provided.
- Fixed - In some cases restoring a backup taken from Joomla! 4 would fail.
04 Apr 2022
Version 3.0.17
- Added - 'Cache Time' option for 'Submissions - Directory' to optimize loading times for larger directories.
- Updated - Various loading time related optimizations for the 'Submissions - Directory' view.
- Fixed - Some deprecated notices were showing up on PHP 8.1.
- Fixed - 'Valid URL' validation rule was too permissive.
- Fixed - Bootstrap 5 radio and checkbox HTML markup was incorrectly generated.
- Fixed - In some cases restoring a backup would fail due to a stray translation.
- Fixed - Directory Emails would throw an 'Could not access file Array' error.
03 Mar 2022
Version 3.0.16
- Added - Email Logging in the Configuration area.
- Updated - UIkit 3 updated to 3.11.1
- Updated - Bootstrap 5 updated to 5.1.3
- Updated - No longer generating labels for elements that have no 'Caption' set (and 'Layout Flow' is set to 'Vertical').
- Updated - 'onRsformCreateMailer' event now provides $args['formId'] as well.
- Updated - TCPDF updated to 6.4.4
- Fixed - RTL emails are now generated correctly when using 'Auto-Generate Email Message'.
- Fixed - Bootstrap 4 radio and checkbox HTML markup was incorrectly generated.
27 Oct 2021
Version 3.0.15
- Updated - 'From Name' in 'Additional Emails' now shows up as required.
- Updated - Scripts and stylesheets are now checked if present on the page when being added through the System - RSForm! Pro Plugin.
- Fixed - jQuery will now be loaded even if the form is placed using the System - RSForm! Pro Plugin.
- Fixed - There was an issue when sending emails on hosts with disabled escapeshellarg() and escapeshellcmd() functions.
- Fixed - No longer specifying min-height for rows when using the Responsive layout as that could create unnecessary whitespace.
12 Oct 2021
Version 3.0.14
- Fixed - Additional Emails could not be saved when Disable Multi-Language was set to 'Yes' and a different language was set as default.
22 Sep 2021
Version 3.0.13
- Updated - {global:formtitle} is now available after form submission.
- Updated - UIkit 3 updated to v3.7.3
- Fixed - Removed unneeded 'mb-3' class Bootstrap 5 layout rows.
- Fixed - When setting up Conditional Fields dropdowns would not appear correctly on Joomla! 4
- Fixed - TinyMCE inside a Bootstrap 5 modal was not working correctly.
- Fixed - When Syntax Highlighting was turned on a Javascript error would show up on Joomla! 4
14 Sep 2021
Version 3.0.12
- Added - 'User Email' and 'Admin Email' messages can be auto-generated.
- Updated - 'Min Selections' can be set for 'Checkbox Group' fields.
- Updated - Can now set 'Default Ordering Column' and 'Default Ordering Direction' in the 'Submissions - Directory' menu item.
- Updated - 'Submissions - Directory' now have 'greater than, greater or equal to, less than and less or equal to' filtering operators.
- Updated - When editing a submission, the 'Date Submitted' is now a popup calendar.
- Updated - Captcha is now shown as a base64-encoded image to prevent session collision issues.
- Fixed - When editing a submission, the 'Submission ID' is now readonly since it can't be changed.
- Fixed - Bootstrap 5 markup was not generated correctly in some cases.
27 Aug 2021
Version 3.0.11
- Updated - 'onGetWeekOfYear' function that can be overridden in the Date and Time Picker field's Javascript.
- Fixed - A JS error could occur on the form if the calculation result field was missing.
- Fixed - 'Clear Submissions' was not working.
- Fixed - 'Date and Time Picker' week numbering was wrong if the week didn't start on Sunday.
23 Aug 2021
Version 3.0.10
- Fixed - Some Bootstrap 5 elements and layouts were not being generated correctly.
20 Aug 2021
Version 3.0.9
- Fixed - Language dropdown was incorrectly showing backend languages.
- Fixed - In some cases, submissions for 'Today' would show an incorrect count.
- Fixed - Some tooltips were not showing up in Joomla! 4.0
27 Jul 2021
Version 3.0.8
- Updated - UIkit 3 updated to 3.7.1
- Fixed - Mappings dropdown would not work when table columns had spaces in them.
- Fixed - Some fields in Mappings were not saved when table columns had spaces in them.
- Fixed - Various PHP 8 fixes.
22 Jul 2021
Version 3.0.7
- Fixed - MySQL 8 would throw an error under 'Manage Submissions'.
- Fixed - Exporting to Excel XML would sometimes create an incomplete file.
12 Jul 2021
Version 3.0.6
- Fixed - Saving a 'DELETE' mapping was not working.
06 Jul 2021
Version 3.0.5
- Added - Placeholders: {global:confirmation_hash} and {global:deletion_hash}.
- Added - Can now select 'Thumb Extension' in File Upload fields when 'Allow Only Images' is set to 'Yes'.
- Added - $userEmail['recipientName'], $adminEmail['recipientName'], $additionalEmail['recipientName'] can be set in the 'PHP Email Scripts' area.
- Updated - Bootstrap 5 updated to v5.0.2
- Updated - UIkit 3 updated to v3.7.0
- Fixed - Calculation results will no longer be formatted if the resulting input has type='number'.
- Fixed - 'Manage Submissions' date filters were working incorrectly.
- Fixed - Selecting a date filter in 'Manage Submissions' will no longer automatically submit the page.
- Fixed - Creating thumbnails from uploaded files was not working on PHP 8.
22 Jun 2021
Version 3.0.4
- Updated - If 'Use CSRF Tokens' is enabled, a keepalive is initialized when displaying the form so the session doesn't timeout.
- Fixed - Mappings would incorrectly filter HTML code.
- Fixed - Editing a Mapping would incorrectly place it last after saving.
18 Jun 2021
Version 3.0.3
- Fixed - Editing an email with 'Text' mode was not possible.
- Fixed - 'Check All' checkbox when exporting submissions was not working intuitively.
16 Jun 2021
Version 3.0.2
- Fixed - 'Post to Location' was not saved.
- Fixed - 'Disable Multi-Language' was not working correctly in some cases.
15 Jun 2021
Version 3.0.1
- Updated - Form selector dropdown in 'Manage Submissions' can now search as you type.
- Updated - Submission numbering in the 'Manage Submissions' area's first column.
- Fixed - Exporting CSV files from the frontend Directory area would not properly escape headers.
- Fixed - Export to PDF (when using TCPDF) was not working on new installations.
09 Jun 2021
Version 3.0.0
- Added - Compatibility with Joomla! 4.0
- Added - 'Use CSRF Tokens' option that can be toggled on or off.
- Added - Bootstrap 5 layouts.
- Updated - UIkit 3 updated to v3.6.21
- Updated - Bootstrap 4 updated to v4.6.0
- Updated - 'Search Tools' is now used through Manage Forms, Manage Submissions and Manage Directories.
- Updated - Split Backup and Restore to separate screens.
- Updated - Moved most buttons to the top toolbar for UX consistency with Joomla! design.
- Updated - Reworked dashboard to use font icons instead of images.
- Updated - In the Manage Submissions screen, the 'Choose which columns to show' button has been moved to the toolbar.
- Updated - YUICalendar updated to 2.9.0.
- Updated - Resetting values when changing conditions now work for the 'Calendar' and 'Date and Time Picker' fields.
- Updated - New form wizard is now a single step process to speed up things.
- Updated - Calculations are now added and edited in a separate popup to keep consistency with other RSForm! Pro areas.
- Updated - The 'Submissions - Directory' icons are now displayed using fonts.
- Updated - Changed all plugin triggers to use the 'onRsform' prefix.
- Updated - Changed some columns in the database to mediumtext to hold more data (CSS, JS, PHP scripting areas, field and submission values).
- Updated - Various code optimizations.
- Updated - Removed deprecated code.
- Updated - Removed support for old .zip backup format.
- Fixed - Deleting a Directory Email did not show a confirmation message.
- Fixed - Directory Emails empty recipients or subjects now show a message.
- Fixed - Restore screen was missing some translations.
- Fixed - New form wizard was missing some translations.
- Fixed - New form wizard was not selecting the 'Default Layout' set in the Configuration.
- Fixed - In some cases, saving a checkbox field when editing a submission would not work.
- Fixed - The 'WHERE' clause when configuring Mappings would lose all configured values if the table was changed.
- Fixed - Deleting a Mapping did not show a confirmation message.
- Fixed - When editing a Mapping the 'Method' and 'Connection Type' fields are no longer editable to prevent errors.
- Fixed - Changing email mode from 'Text' to 'HTML' would display an incorrect editing link until page refresh.
- Fixed - Changing the email mode when editing an Additional Email would create a JS error on the page.
- Fixed - In some cases not all submissions were imported.
- Fixed - If 'Deletion Email' was configured incorrectly the error message would switch to the 'Admin Emails' tab instead of the correct one.
- Fixed - Saving a form with an incorrect email configured will display a better error message.
- Fixed - Restoring Additional or Directory Emails would not insert the translations as well.
- Fixed - Some fields can no longer be duplicated or copied to forms that already have them (eg. Captcha).
- Fixed - Restoring 'Date Picker' fields would not insert the correct 'Date Modifier' property.
- Fixed - Imported submissions will have their 'Date Submitted' adjusted based on the current timezone.
- Fixed - Exporting submissions to ODS could end up double encoding some entities.
26 Nov 2020
Version 2.3.20
- Updated - {global:confirmed} placeholder now available in the Submissions View detail page.
- Updated - Importing CSV submissions will automatically pre-select the best matching header.
30 Oct 2020
Version 2.3.19
- Fixed - Spaces surrounding email addresses would halt email sending.
20 Oct 2020
Version 2.3.18
- Updated - When Textarea fields are exported to CSV files, new lines can automatically be converted to br tags so they don't break the CSV contents.
- Fixed - Wrong values in the CC or BCC areas would halt email sending.
16 Sep 2020
Version 2.3.17
- Updated - moment.js updated to v2.28.0
- Updated - Bootstrap 4 updated to v4.5.2
- Updated - UIkit 3 updated to v3.5.7
- Updated - UIkit 2 updated to v2.27.5
- Updated - Zurb Foundation updated to v6.6.3
02 Jun 2020
Version 2.3.16
- Added - 'Show Descriptions' option in the 'Submissions - Directory' menu item.
- Updated - Placeholders are now shown when editing a submission through the Directory.
21 May 2020
Version 2.3.15
- Fixed - File Uploads were not updated when editing a submission in the Directory area.
11 May 2020
Version 2.3.14
- Updated - Email attachments MIME types are now auto-detected.
- Updated - Bootstrap 4 auto-generated layout now uses 'col-md-' columns.
- Updated - 'Radio Group' and 'Checkbox Group' fields now show up as configured instead of dropdowns when editing a submission using the Directory.
- Updated - 'Return URL' can be configured based on form language.
- Fixed - File Uploads could be saved with an empty 'Destination' path.
- Fixed - File Uploads 'Show Image Preview' was not working when using a Uikit 3 layout.
08 Apr 2020
Version 2.3.13
- Fixed - 'Radio Group' fields were incorrectly being validated even if hidden by conditional logic.
07 Apr 2020
Version 2.3.12
- Updated - Silent Post can now send custom headers to the request (when posting silently).
- Updated - Bootstrap 4 bundled package updated to 4.4.1
- Fixed - Thank You Page Popup was not being closed when clicking on the 'Continue' button while staying on the same page.
01 Apr 2020
Version 2.3.11
- Fixed - 'Radio Group' and 'Checkbox Group' fields could not be validated due to the 'required' attribute. Removed for now.
30 Mar 2020
Version 2.3.10
- Added - 'Limit Submissions' option under Form Properties - Form Info - Submission.
- Added - RSFormPro.Calculations.toMinutes() Javascript function to aid in calculations.
- Added - 'Date and Time Picker' and 'Calendar' fields now show up as calendars instead of text fields when editing a submission using the Directory.
- Updated - Configuration values can now be modified for the current session by using:
RSFormProConfig::getInstance()->set($key, $value, false);
09 Mar 2020
Version 2.3.9
- Added - 'Reply To Name' configurable for User, Admin, Deletion, Additional and Directory Emails.
- Updated - 'Show All Submissions' now defaults to 'Yes' on Submissions - View and Directory menu items.
- Updated - Auto-generating a layout will now render hidden fields (from plugins) without creating an empty space in the form.
- Updated - Fields now generate an 'aria-describedby' attribute when a validation error occurs.
- Fixed - 'aria-invalid' was being wrongly added to button inputs.
- Fixed - 'File Uploads' fields - could not deselect emails from 'Attach file to' once configured.
- Fixed - In some cases Conditional Fields were not working when 'Auto Generate Layout' was set to 'No'.
- Fixed - Removing multiple fields would show an 'ITEMS REMOVED' message with no translation.
- Fixed - PHP 7.4 would throw a Deprecated message when installing RSForm! Pro.
19 Feb 2020
Version 2.3.8
- Updated - Fields will now have 'aria-required' and 'aria-invalid' attributes for better accessibility compliance.
- Updated - Global placeholders are now shown in the 'Toggle Quick Add' sections.
- Fixed - Geolocation search inside a 'Google Map' field would trigger too many requests and sometimes provide duplicate results.
- Fixed - Selecting a date in the 'Date and Time Picker' field using a mobile device would jump the focus to an incorrect field.
- Fixed - In some cases deleting a calculation would trigger a Javascript error.
- Fixed - TinyMCE dialogs inside the Free Text editing modal were not clickable.
10 Feb 2020
Version 2.3.7
- Added - Can configure the number of submissions to parse with each AJAX request (when exporting).
- Added - {:descriptionhtml} placeholder to display the HTML-escaped version of a {:description} placeholder.
- Updated - Auto-generated Form Layouts (except the 'Responsive' Layout) now use {:descriptionhtml} to display the description inside HTML attributes.
- Updated - Joomla! Editor is now displayed when configuring a 'Free Text' field (in a separate HTML tab).
- Updated - 'Submissions - View' and 'Submissions - Directory' menu items now have separate options for showing submissions (Show Logged In User's Submissions, Show All Submissions).
- Updated - Select in which areas to search for results in the 'Submissions - View' menu item.
- Updated - Query for displaying results in the 'Submissions - View' menu item has been improved.
- Updated - All placeholders are now available in the 'Submissions - View' layouts.
- Updated - {global:deletion} and {global:confirmation} are now available in the Details Layout of a directory.
- Updated - Now throwing 404 and 403 error pages when attempting to unsuccessfully access a particular submission from the 'Submissions - View' menu item.
- Updated - 'PDF Filename' can be configured in the 'Submissions - View' menu item.
- Updated - Can now export only the filtered results from 'Manage Submissions'.
- Updated - Query for displaying results in the 'Manage Submissions' area has been improved.
- Fixed - In some cases AJAX validation was not triggering correctly for File Upload fields.
- Fixed - 'Free Text', 'Captcha' and 'Button' fields no longer show up in Manage Submissions.
- Fixed - 'Multiple Validation Rules' were triggering a Javascript error and the field couldn't be edited anymore.
16 Jan 2020
Version 2.3.6
- Fixed - There were 2 file inputs possible if 'Maximum Uploads' was set to 1.
- Fixed - 'Add another files' is no longer disabled when 'Maximum Uploads' is set to 0 (unlimited).
- Fixed - Label 'for' attribute was not generated correctly for 'Captcha' fields.
- Fixed - 'Captcha' is no longer validated when editing a submission in the frontend.
15 Jan 2020
Version 2.3.5
- Fixed - Multiple 'Range Slider' fields were not working.
14 Jan 2020
Version 2.3.4
- Fixed - AJAX validation was not working properly with 'File Upload' fields that had 'Minimum Uploads' set to 1.
- Fixed - 'Add another file' button was showing up incorrectly when 'Minimum Uploads' was equal to 'Maximum Uploads'.
13 Jan 2020
Version 2.3.3
- Fixed - In some cases the 'Date and Time Picker' field would jump to the previous selection.
- Fixed - SEF links now grab the Form Title according to current frontend language.
- Fixed - Label 'for' attribute was not generated correctly for Range Slider fields.
08 Jan 2020
Version 2.3.2
- Updated - 'Calendar' and 'Date and Time Picker' fields will now close when clicking outside the popup.
- Fixed - In some cases a disabled date could be selected in the 'Date and Time Picker' field.
03 Jan 2020
Version 2.3.1
- Fixed - In some cases accessing the RSForm! Pro Module or Submissions Directory menu item would throw a PHP Fatal Error.
- Fixed - In some cases where Varnish servers were used the CSV frontend export would not work.
16 Dec 2019
Version 2.3.0
- Updated - Conditions can now show or hide multiple fields.
- Updated - Can now configure an 'Offset' for 'Calendar' fields with the 'Date Modifier' property.
- Updated - Further validation for images in the 'File Upload' field.
- Updated - Thumbnails created through the 'File Upload' field will now try to be rotated according to the EXIF data.
- Updated - UIkit updated to 3.2.4
- Updated - Some queries improved in the backend.
- Fixed - When duplicating a form the Directory settings were not carried over.
- Fixed - The 'Validation Message' property on calendars would only show up when 'Required' was set to 'Yes'.
- Fixed - When clicking on 'Add To Menu' next to a form there was no toolbar on the next page.
- Fixed - Uninstalling would incorrectly remove tables from some RSForm! Pro plugins as well.
- Fixed - Show an error message if no submissions are selected when attempting to export to CSV in the frontend.
- Fixed - Some deprecated code has been removed.
14 Nov 2019
Version 2.2.9
- Updated - Bootstrap version upgraded to 3.4.1
- Fixed - In some cases the 'Add More Files' button would show up next to a 'File Upload' field even if the 'Multiple' option was set to 'No'.
08 Nov 2019
Version 2.2.8
- Fixed - Duplicating a form with calculations would throw an error.
05 Nov 2019
Version 2.2.7
- Added - Choose the default language when Multi Language is disabled.
- Added - Specify the filename when exporting submissions from the backend.
- Added - Specify the CSV filename when exporting submissions from the Directory area.
- Added - Specify a list of disposable email domains to reject specific email addresses.
- Updated - UIkit updated to 3.2.1
- Fixed - Bootstrap 2 tooltips were showing up incorrectly.
- Fixed - Some queries could take longer to process due to missing keys in the #__rsform_translations table.
- Fixed - 'Last Language Used' no longer shows up when Multi Language is disabled.
- Fixed - Label 'for' attribute was not generated correctly for calendar fields.
- Fixed - In some cases, the Excel submissions export would show up as corrupted.
- Fixed - Removed some deprecated code.
- Fixed - Code improvements.
07 Aug 2019
Version 2.2.6
- Added - New placeholder for 'Google Map' fields: {field:map} which displays an image of the map.
- Added - Directory has a new option - 'Show Google Map' instead of just the address.
- Added - Google Map fields can request the current location.
- Updated - When editing a submission in the Directory area the validation message will appear below the field.
- Fixed - In some cases, restoring CSV submissions would fail and show a Javascript error.
- Fixed - In some cases ReCAPTCHA was not working when the 'Disable Submit Button' option was used on the form.
- Fixed - The 'Disable Submit Button' option was not taken into account when using AJAX validation on the form.
- Fixed - An SQL error was showing up on the 'Add To Menu' page.
- Fixed - AJAX validation was not working for forms added to the backend menu.
- Fixed - When failing validation in the Directory area, fields were missing the indicative red border.
- Fixed - When editing a submission in the Directory area the language of the submission was not taken into account.
- Fixed - Code improvements.
30 Jul 2019
Version 2.2.5
- Added - File Uploads have a new setting that allows you to create separate inputs for each file when uploading multiple files.
- Added - File Uploads can preview uploaded images.
- Updated - File Uploads AJAX validation messages are now changed according to the specific error type.
- Updated - Conditional Fields listing now shows all details.
- Updated - 'Scripts called on form processed' are now triggered on AJAX validation as well.
17 Jul 2019
Version 2.2.4
- Added - 'File Upload' can upload multiple files by using the 'Multiple' property.
- Added - 'File Upload' has new properties: 'Separator', 'Min Files' and 'Max Files', when using the 'Multiple' property.
- Added - Can now specify the 'Enclosure' and 'Delimiter' for the CSV export in the Directory menu item.
- Added - Right clicking on a field will now allow you to set it as required or not.
- Added - Right clicking on a Hidden Field will now allow you to publish or unpublish it.
- Added - Right clicking on a Pagebreak Field will now allow you to publish or unpublish it.
- Updated - 'File Upload' fields are now triggering the regeneration of thumbnails when being edited in the Directory area.
- Updated - 'File Upload' fields can now be cleared individually if the 'Multiple' property is being used.
- Updated - 'File Upload' fields have new placeholders - {File Upload:image} and {File Upload:localimage} which generates <img> tags.
- Updated - Under Manage Forms, clicking on today's, this month's or all time submissions will now filter the submissions accordingly.
- Updated - Set '0' in the Thumb Width property of a 'File Upload' field to skip creating a thumbnail.
- Updated - Some code optimizations.
- Fixed - In some cases, RSFormProHelper::getComponentProperties() would incorrectly overwrite translations.
- Fixed - Legacy Layouts were no longer showing the New Form Wizard.
- Fixed - {File Upload:value} placeholder was not HTML encoded.
- Fixed - Field Preview will now try to correct wrong HTML to prevent disrupting the Grid Builder layout.
- Fixed - Date Validation functions would throw an unhandled PHP Exception when encountering invalid values.
- Fixed - Editing a non-existing submission in the Directory area would show a blank form instead of throwing an error.
- Fixed - SEF links were missing for the delete submission URLs in the Directory area.
- Fixed - Accessing an invalid submission will now show an error message and redirect back to the Directory page.
- Fixed - Trying to edit, save or delete a submission which you don't have access to will now redirect back to the Directory page.
- Fixed - 'File Upload' fields will now show a specific error (min & max files, file size, invalid extension) when failing validation.
11 Jun 2019
Version 2.2.3
- Upgraded - Range Slider can be used in conditions.
03 Jun 2019
Version 2.2.2
- Added - Can specify a URL to redirect to after submission confirmation.
- Added - Menu item parameter for the Submissions Directory view to allow displaying only search results instead of the full submissions list.
- Added - Option to hide empty values from the Directory Details Layout.
- Added - Show submissions that match specific values in the Submissions Directory view.
- Added - Added a search input in the Manage Directories area.
- Updated - Edit Directory when configuring the Submissions - Directory menu item.
- Updated - Edit Form when configuring the Form or Submissions - View menu items.
- Updated - Form Title is now shown when editing a Directory.
- Updated - Bootstrap updated to 4.3.1.
- Updated - UIkit updated to 3.1.5.
- Updated - The Submission ID field can now be selected when configuring the Directory.
- Updated - Backing up or restoring a form with mappings will now adjust the database prefix to the current configuration.
- Updated - Submissions can now be confirmed from the Manage Submissions area.
- Fixed - Conditions were not showing up if 'Disable Multi-Language' was set to Yes and site language was different than the default en-GB.
03 May 2019
Version 2.2.1
- Added - New configuration option: Can show caption instead of field's name.
- Updated - Hidden Fields now display a preview as well.
- Updated - File Uploads are now validated by the AJAX validation script.
- Fixed - Some field types were incorrectly showing up as required in the grid builder.
- Fixed - When exporting submissions in CSV format unescaped user data could allow macros being run.
- Fixed - Radio Groups now have a default blank value when editing submissions to prevent assigning wrong values.
05 Apr 2019
Version 2.2.0
- Added - Grid Layout has been moved to the front along with field previews.
- Added - Can change field status through the right-click menu.
- Added - Date and Time Picker options: 'Allowed Dates' and 'Allowed Dates Regex'.
- Updated - When editing a field the published status can now be changed from within the window.
- Updated - Field previews can be toggled off from the Configuration area.
- Fixed - Radio and Checkbox Groups are now truncated in the backend to prevent overflowing.
- Fixed - Free Text fields are now limited to a 100px height in the backend to prevent overflowing.
- Fixed - Legacy layouts have been removed. If you were still using them, install the Legacy Layouts Plugin
- Fixed - Legacy ordering has been removed.
- Fixed - Date and Time Picker now correctly restricts the year selection.
- Fixed - Date and Time Picker now focuses on the closest available date when Min or Max Date are used and local time is outside those dates.
28 Mar 2019
Version 2.1.6
- Upgraded - Conditions are now run on page load to allow all custom fields to initialize first.
22 Mar 2019
Version 2.1.5
- Fixed - The 'Multiple Selections Separator' was not taken into account for custom fields.
- Fixed - When adding a Condition without triggers a JS error could show up on the form page.
18 Mar 2019
Version 2.1.4
- Fixed - When setting 'Allow Only Images' to 'Yes' the generated placeholders pointed to a non-existent file.
14 Mar 2019
Version 2.1.3
- Fixed - English version of Deletion Email Text was lost when saving a form.
05 Mar 2019
Version 2.1.2
- Fixed - Multiple items were not showing up correctly when editing a submission.
04 Mar 2019
Version 2.1.1
- Added - New PHP Scripts areas: 'Script called before form is validated' and 'Script called before form is generated'.
- Updated - Code optimization regarding how Conditions are run.
- Updated - Code optimization regarding how placeholders are created.
- Fixed - Mappings configuration now prevents auto-completing passwords.
- Fixed - When editing a submission, [d] flags were not taken into account.
- Fixed - When a thumbnail was created a copy of the original image was left behind.
- Fixed - Using 'Max Selections' on a checkbox would incorrectly count disabled values as well.
23 Jan 2019
Version 2.1.0
- Added - Can now limit the number of selections in a Checkbox Group field.
- Added - Permissions: Access Forms, Directory, Submissions, Backup and Restore.
- Added - Multi-language can now be disabled from the Configuration area.
- Added - Can now import submissions from a CSV file.
- Added - Ability to select the default 'Form Layout' for newly created forms.
- Added - Ability to select the default 'Load Layout CSS / JS' option for newly created forms.
- Added - 'Deletion Email' which can be sent when a submission is deleted from the frontend.
- Added - Placeholder {global:language} to display the language code a submission was made in.
- Updated - Moved admin assets to /media/com_rsform/
- Updated - Added new triggers for layouts: rsfp_bk_onLayoutsDefine which allows programmatically removing or adding new layouts.
- Updated - SEF URLs can now be translated.
- Updated - Exporting submissions to a CSV file will show the preview above the tabs.
- Updated - 'New' toolbar button now creates an empty form - the 'Wizard' has been moved to a separate button.
- Updated - File Upload fields have new options: 'Allow Only Images' and thumbnail creation.
- Updated - Can remove uploaded file when editing a submission in the frontend.
- Updated - UIkit updated to 3.0.0-rc25.
- Updated - UIkit 3.0 File Upload now shows the filename in a textbox.
- Updated - {if} scripting allows comparing two placeholders.
- Updated - Various backend CSS & JS optimizations.
- Updated - Some old code has been removed.
- Fixed - Can now use 0 as a valid value for required items (except for the Range Slider).
- Fixed - Searching or sorting in the 'Submissions Directory' menu item now resets to the first page.
- Fixed - The 'autofocus' attribute on elements was overriding the 'Scroll To Form On Error' setting.
- Fixed - Character count in Textarea fields would show an incorrect value when submitting the form.
- Fixed - Restoring a form did not work if field names were set as numeric values.
- Fixed - Configuration area was still accessible even if users had no 'Configure ACL & Options' permission.
- Fixed - The 'Connect' button was still visible after making a Mappings connection.
- Fixed - In some cases field properties were not being saved when using multiple languages.
- Fixed - Additional Emails translations were not being duplicated when duplicating a form.
- Fixed - In some cases, when editing a submission in the backend the uploaded files were not saved.
- Fixed - When editing a form, clicking on Directory or Submissions would perform form saving validations instead of simply redirecting.
- Fixed - When a Form Name is not supplied you are now redirected straight to the field to fix the error.
- Fixed - Date and Time Picker could not be validated when a Default Value was set.
25 Sep 2018
Version 2.0.15
- Updated - Can now disable Date Validation in the calendar fields.
- Fixed - Slider value was not being reset correctly when using Conditional Fields.
- Fixed - Slider default value wasn't being taken into account in some cases.
- Fixed - Bootstrap 4 File Upload class name was incorrect.
- Fixed - When using Unicode date formats validation would fail in calendar fields.
23 Aug 2018
Version 2.0.14
- Updated - Bootstrap updated to 4.1.3.
- Updated - UIkit updated to 3.0.0-rc11.
- Updated - Free Text fields can now appear in Submissions Directory when editing a submission.
- Updated - Non-existing forms will now display a 404 Not Found message for consistency.
- Updated - Responsive Layout will now generate label elements instead of divs for a more semantic approach.
03 Jul 2018
Version 2.0.13
- Added - IBAN validation rule for fields.
- Fixed - In some cases, 'Show Thank You Message in Popup Window' and 'Show Continue Button' were disabled.
- Fixed - WYSIWYG editors in the frontend were not sending the correct value when AJAX Validation was turned on.
- Fixed - The 'Submissions - Directory' menu item can no longer be saved without selecting a form first.
- Fixed - Tooltips were not showing HTML code correctly when editing a field.
- Fixed - Can now use the System - RSForm! Pro PDF Plugin to generate PDF files (instead of built-in TCPDF) in all areas.
- Fixed - Some language file adjustments.
- Fixed - Some deprecated code has been removed.
09 May 2018
Version 2.0.12
- Fixed - In some cases, setting up Conditional Fields would throw a Javascript error if a field had no values defined.
- Fixed - Submissions were incorrectly deleted regardless of form ID.
- Fixed - 'hasTooltip' class was incorrectly added to Uikit layouts
30 Apr 2018
Version 2.0.11
- Added - Older submissions can automatically be deleted (configurable per form).
- Added - Option to 'Sanitize Filenames' in 'File Upload' fields.
- Fixed - Even if 'Save Data to Database' was set to 'No' file uploads were stored on the server.
- Fixed - Built-in Invisible Captcha was showing a required marker.
- Fixed - In some cases, Grid Layout rows allowed other fields to be put next to Pagebreak fields.
17 Apr 2018
Version 2.0.10
- Updated - Can now hide editor buttons when 'Enable WYSIWYG Editor' is set to 'Yes' on 'Textarea' fields.
- Fixed - 'Date and Time Picker' field value was being reset when using a Date Modifier.
- Fixed - IDN email domains were failing validation when using 'Email Address /w DNS check'.
- Fixed - Conditions were not removed from the database when deleting a form field.
- Fixed - In some cases, restoring a form would not work because of a PHP Notice.
- Fixed - In some cases, the Grid Layout data was corrupted.
27 Mar 2018
Version 2.0.9
- Added - Character counter for 'Textarea' fields.
- Added - Can now set a 'Max Size' for 'Textarea' fields.
- Updated - First field that fails validation will now be focused automatically.
- Updated - Now using Joomla!'s CodeMirror plugin for syntax highlighting.
- Updated - UIkit updated to 3.0.0 beta 40.
- Fixed - Range Slider was not triggering calculations.
- Fixed - When specifying a custom 'Action' for the form, it ended up being double-escaped.
- Fixed - When conditions overlapped a Javascript loop would freeze the browser when values were being reset.
- Fixed - Google Maps field threw a PHP Fatal Error when using a Bootstrap 4 layout.
12 Mar 2018
Version 2.0.8
- Fixed - Multiple Products (Payment Plugin) were not working with Conditional Fields.
07 Mar 2018
Version 2.0.7
- Updated - Bootstrap 4.0.0 stable.
- Updated - Submission ID now shows up in Manage Submissions.
- Updated - Calculations can now compute the difference between 'Calendar' and 'Date and Time Picker' fields as well.
- Updated - Hiding an element through the Conditional Fields feature will reset its value and trigger the other conditions as well.
- Fixed - Bootstrap 3 Free Text fields had a negative margin pushing the text outside.
- Fixed - Bootstrap 4 'invalid-feedback' class was hiding validation messages for checkboxes and radios.
- Fixed - 'Add To Menu' was not pre-selecting the correct menu.
- Fixed - When executing Mappings the port was not taken into account.
- Fixed - Calendar time was not taken into account when filtering submissions in the backend.
- Fixed - Conditional Fields option values were not properly escaped when setting them up.
- Fixed - Layouts no longer generate an incorrect 'for' attribute on labels for Checkbox Groups, Radio Groups and Birthday Fields.
- Fixed - Layouts no longer generate labels for Pagebreak fields.
- Fixed - Bootstrap 3 and 4 layouts now use a 'btn-group' class for the Pagebreak fields.
- Fixed - When saving the form, if an error was present in the User or Admin Emails configuration, the tab did not move to the Form Properties area.
- Fixed - Some Default Values were not working in the 'Calendar' field.
- Fixed - Because they don't have a 'Caption' property, Hidden Fields will now display their name when using the caption placeholder.
- Fixed - Some code cleanup.
09 Feb 2018
Version 2.0.6
- Fixed - Restore now ignores invalid characters in the XML backup files.
- Fixed - Restoring a backup did not carry over the PDF filename and 'Can delete' permissions.
- Fixed - Some parts of {if} scripting weren't working in the Directory Details Layout.
- Fixed - There was a missing space when adding the error classes (if the field already had a user supplied class).
30 Jan 2018
Version 2.0.5
- Fixed - AJAX validation did not enclose rows in the correct error classes due to a mistype.
- Fixed - Progress bar did not advance when the form had more than 100 pages.
- Fixed - Birthday Field's 'Allow Incorrect Dates' option was inversed (setting it to No now disallows incorrect dates).
- Fixed - Ordering was reset when using a 'Legacy' layout and adding / removing fields.
19 Jan 2018
Version 2.0.4
- Added - Placeholder to allow users to delete their own submission - {global:deletion}.
- Added - Can now set permissions for users to delete submissions in the 'Directory' view.
- Fixed - Older form backups could not be restored.
16 Jan 2018
Version 2.0.3
- Added - Option to control layout flow: 'Horizontal' or 'Vertical'.
- Fixed - Duplicating a form did not correctly copy over the Grid Layout.
- Fixed - Pasting fields from the clipboard would add them in reverse order.
- Fixed - Thank You Message 'Continue' button did not use the correct layout classes.
- Fixed - No longer showing the 'Required Marker' HTML if it's empty.
- Fixed - Fields order was not being saved when editing a Directory.
12 Jan 2018
Version 2.0.2
- Fixed - When editing a field's properties, the tooltip caused the cursor to focus on the 'Name' property.
- Fixed - Some custom grid classes were being overridden by UIkit 3.
- Fixed - UIkit 12-column grid classes moved to front.css since they're not part of the original UIkit package.
10 Jan 2018
Version 2.0.1
- Fixed - Free Text fields were not enclosed in 'rsform-block' classes.
09 Jan 2018
Version 2.0.0
- Added - Grid Layout generator.
- Added - UIkit 3.0.0 support.
- Added - Bootstrap 4.0.0 support.
- Added - Editing fields is now done in a modal window to take advantage of higher resolutions.
- Added - Hidden fields are placed at the bottom of the form so they're now sorted as a group.
- Updated - Bootstrap updated to 3.3.7.
- Updated - Bootstrap 2.3.2 field styling updates.
- Updated - uikit updated to 2.27.4.
- Updated - uikit 2.27.4 field validation updates.
- Updated - Moved frontend assets to /media/com_rsform/ to allow overriding.
- Updated - 'Back to form' and 'Back to submissions' toolbar buttons after exporting.
- Fixed - Some fields in Bootstrap 3 were missing some styling.
- Fixed - In some cases when a field was failing validation the page did not change to highlight it.
- Fixed - Fields would end up with duplicated or wrong classes.
- Fixed - 'Form Themes' has been removed as styling should be done through CSS / template.
- Fixed - A PHP Warning would appear when auto-generating the layout if the form had only hidden fields.
- Fixed - Some translations would not show up in the frontend if the form was migrated from versions of Joomla! that didn't have the English core language pack.
- Fixed - Passing a date through the URL in d/m/Y format would not work.
- Fixed - Removed MooTools calls when editing the form.
- Fixed - Clicking on 'Copy component to' in the toolbar would incorrectly show only forms according to the most recent search results.
- Fixed - A PHP Notice could appear when exporting submissions.
- Fixed - When 'Syntax Highlighting' was enabled, in some cases the Form Layout would only appear as the text 'Ok'.
- Fixed - The 'Responsive' CSS had fixed widths for labels making the form look weird in narrow boxes.
- Fixed - Prices set through the [p] flag now only allow the following characters to be added: numbers 0 through 9, minus and plus signs and the dot.
- Fixed - HTML in mappings would end up being modified when saved.
- Fixed - Calendars would not validate when using multi-language and dates were formatted using days or month names.
- Fixed - Birthday Field HTML layout would break in some cases due to some separators.
- Fixed - Removed some old CSS and icons.
- Fixed - Mappings were not working correctly on SQL Server databases.
16 Jun 2017
Version 1.52.14
- Fixed - 'Multiple validation rules' did not work with custom validation rules.
15 Jun 2017
Version 1.52.13
- Fixed - A Javascript error could be present on the page under certain conditions.
- Fixed - Removed some Joomla! 2.5 workarounds.
22 May 2017
Version 1.52.12
- Fixed - URL validation did not allow newer domain extensions.
- Fixed - URL validation did not allow internationalized domain names.
- Fixed - Calendar dates are now rejected when submitting form if they're not formatted per the field properties.
- Fixed - When using more than 10 calendars on a single form the 'Date Modifier' rules were no longer working.
04 May 2017
Version 1.52.11
- Fixed - 'Range Slider' field value can now be used in Calculations.
- Fixed - 'Range Slider' field was passing validation when set to required even if it had a value of 0.
- Fixed - Duplicating a form would not carry over the Advanced Fields in the Silent Post area.
- Fixed - AJAX validation was no longer working with RSEvents! Pro.
03 May 2017
Version 1.52.10
- Added - Form field - Range Slider.
- Added - Script called when Directory Emails are created.
- Updated - Layout improvements for the Manage Submissions area.
- Updated - HTML-only messages now generate a Text alternative automatically to avoid being marked as spam.
- Fixed - A Javascript issue could prevent a Calendar field from rendering.
- Fixed - If no validation placeholders were found in the Form Layout, the page would get submitted regardless of the 'Use AJAX Validation' option.
- Fixed - Resetting the form will reset calculations and conditional fields as well.
- Fixed - Zurb Foundation layout was not showing up in Form Wizard.
- Fixed - RSForm! Pro is no longer installable on Joomla! 2.5.
- Fixed - Workaround to solve an issue caused by 3rd party template code which broke field editing.
13 Feb 2017
Version 1.52.9
- Fixed - Form Title will now show up in listings according to the language the form was last edited in.
- Fixed - When changing the language of Directory Emails, they were incorrectly transferred to the Additional Emails area.
03 Feb 2017
Version 1.52.8
- Fixed - An issue could occur in the 'Submissions - Directory' menu item where a row would show up as a duplicate.
- Fixed - An issue could occur in the 'Submissions - Directory' menu item where fields that have names consisting of only numbers would throw PHP Notices.
18 Jan 2017
Version 1.52.7
- Fixed - {if} scripting did not work with the '->' and '<-' operators on the submissions view.
16 Jan 2017
Version 1.52.6
- Fixed - In some cases, the PDF output would not load the stylesheets from the 'Submissions - Directory' menu item.
- Fixed - New lines were not shown properly in 'Manage Submissions'.
- Fixed - 'Free Text' HTML is now escaped when editing a form to avoid messing up the backend layout.
- Fixed - 'Free Text' fields with PHP Code were not highlighted.
- Fixed - 'Support Ticket' fields with 'Sequential' type could cause the form to stop submitting.
- Fixed - 'Diagnose server upload settings' removed from the 'File Upload' field as it created confusion rather than solving it.
- Fixed - Missing semicolon in JS output from 'Calendar' field could create issues when using Javascript compression plugins.
- Fixed - Conditions would show a PHP Notice when a Payment field was improperly setup, rendering the page unresponsive.
- Fixed - {if} scripting would throw a PHP Notice when using the '->' operator.
05 Dec 2016
Version 1.52.5
- Updated - {if} scripting now allows you to compare multiple values.
- Updated - {global:formid} placeholder is now available.
- Updated - Multiple Validation Rules - 'Extra Characters' fields now display the Validation Rule to properly identify them.
- Fixed - Sequential Ticket option was not working correctly.
- Fixed - 'Email Address' Validation Rule no longer trims values before validation.
- Fixed - Calculation was not updating the correct Total value field in some cases.
- Fixed - Date and Time Picker was throwing a Javascript error when using a particular Date Modifier setting.
- Fixed - In some particular cases, assets were being loaded after the page has been rendered.
- Fixed - uikit FontAwesome was not loaded on Chrome / Safari browsers.
- Fixed - When duplicating a form, Upload fields 'Attach to' property did not carry over Additional Emails.
- Fixed - When duplicating a form, Calendar and Date Time Picker fields 'Date Modifier' property did not carry over.
- Fixed - Workaround for Google Chrome 55 not displaying the interface correctly due to a browser bug.
22 Sep 2016
Version 1.52.4
- Fixed - In some cases could not properly activate user accounts when using the Registration Plugin.
- Fixed - 'Unique field per user' validation was not working correctly for IPv6 addresses.
- Fixed - AJAX validation would not pass when using WYSIWYG editors set as 'Required'.
- Fixed - User and Admin Email validation would fail when separating multiple values by commas and space.
- Fixed - User and Admin Email validation would trigger on other toolbar buttons instead of Save and Apply.
- Fixed - User and Admin Email validation no longer allowed placeholders inside an email address eg. {name:value}
14 Sep 2016
Version 1.52.3
- Fixed - Pressing Enter on a multi-page form would render the Submit button disabled in some cases.
- Fixed - Submit button was left disabled when {error} placeholder was missing from Form Layout.
- Fixed - Suppressed PHP warning when no active menu Itemid was found.
- Fixed - 'Plugins' button removed from sidebar menu.
- Fixed - 'Scroll to Error' was not working correctly when using lots of required fields.
22 Aug 2016
Version 1.52.2
- Fixed - AJAX validation didn't work properly on HTML5 fields.
- Fixed - A scripting error would show up when using Javascript compressing tools.
12 Aug 2016
Version 1.52.1
- Updated - Default form submission system message can be turned off from the Form Properties area.
- Fixed - AJAX validation was throwing a Javascript error.
- Fixed - Calendar now longer throws an error preventing form to be displayed if the Default Value is using an incorrect date.
- Fixed - 'Max Size' attribute is used only on specific 'Type' selections.
- Fixed - 'Multiple Validation Rules' would throw a PHP Notice in a particular situation.
10 Aug 2016
Version 1.52.0
- Added - Thank You Message can be displayed in a pop-up.
- Added - Scroll to form on error.
- Added - Scroll to Thank You Message.
- Added - Form Layout: Zurb Foundation 6.2.1
- Added - {if} scripting now allows comparing values.
- Added - Submit button can be disabled upon submission to prevent clicking multiple times.
- Added - CAPTCHA can be hidden for logged-in users.
- Added - 'REPLACE' mappings method.
- Updated - User Email and Admin Email are now validated upon saving.
- Updated - New Validation Rule: "Multiple Rules"
- Updated - Can now specify the Map Type in the Google Map field.
- Updated - Progress bar can be auto-generated based on the current Form Layout.
- Updated - 'Refresh CAPTCHA' button can now be styled through the '.rsform-captcha-refresh-button' class.
- Updated - 'Refresh CAPTCHA' button now inherits button class to match current Form Layout.
- Updated - 'Image Button' has been removed. Use 'Submit Button' with CSS styling instead.
- Updated - Now showing current language when editing 'Thank You Message', 'Admin Email Text' and 'User Email Text'.
- Updated - 'Support Ticket' field can be either 'Random' or 'Sequential'.
- Fixed - 'Support Ticket' fields are now placed at the bottom of the HTML layout.
- Fixed - Using "Toggle Editor" was not saving changes with some editors.
- Fixed - In some cases new values were not saved when editing submissions.
- Fixed - Timezone was not taken into account when exporting submission from the frontend.
- Fixed - Placeholders dropdown Javascript was causing an overhead when too many fields were added.
- Fixed - Placeholders dropdown was not working correctly in the Mappings pop-up.
- Fixed - PHP Notices when creating a new form using the wizard.
- Fixed - When editing a form the language you've logged in with will be used.
- Fixed - Date and Time Picker field popup was not being closed when changing the page.
- Fixed - Google API Key is needed for displaying a map
- Fixed - If the Password field's Default Value contained PHP code it was not taken into account during the Passphrase validation.
15 Apr 2016
Version 1.51.14
- Updated - Configuring emails should be more intuitive now.
- Updated - RTL improvements to Form Layouts.
- Fixed - Calendar formats were not parsed correctly in some cases.
- Fixed - Placeholder dropdowns did not work correctly on Google Chrome.
- Fixed - Placeholder dropdowns added an incorrect delimiter to "Reply To" fields.
06 Apr 2016
Version 1.51.13
- Fixed - Workaround for Joomla! 3.5.1 JMail breaking backwards compatibility.
- Fixed - Bootstrap 3 checkboxes did not generate the correct markup.
- Fixed - An error would show up when using accented characters for JYES and JNO.
30 Mar 2016
Version 1.51.12
- Updated - Placeholders dropdown re-worked.
- Updated - Separated 'Responsive' layout from front.css into its own stylesheet.
- Updated - 'Responsive' Layout CSS definitions were missing for '<input>' buttons.
- Updated - Button Type now defaults to '<button>' for 'Submit Button' and 'Button' fields.
- Updated - Can restore backups in .tar or .tar.gz format.
- Updated - Can now set 'Timepicker format' in 'Date and Time Picker' field.
- Fixed - Calculations were not working correctly if field 'Name' contained a hyphen.
- Fixed - 'Minimum Date' modifier on 'Calendar' field now changes month to reflect minimum date.
- Fixed - AJAX Validation was not working in some cases due to a script error.
17 Mar 2016
Version 1.51.11
- Added - Textbox input types: 'range', 'url'.
- Added - Textbox field properties for 'range' type: min, max, step.
- Added - Date and Time Picker Javascript function gets triggerred on date selection: RSFormPro.jQueryCalendar.calendars[formId][calendarName].callBackSelectedDateTime(selectedDate, calendarObject).
- Updated - Tooltips added to field properties.
- Updated - Saving email messages or Thank You Message now shows a success message in the popup window.
- Updated - Reworked how placeholders are shown in the Quick Add sections.
- Fixed - Some HTML5 attributes on fields were not generated correctly.
- Fixed - Missing semicolon in Javascript function call could cause issues with minifiers.
- Fixed - Date Modifier on 'Date and Time Picker' field was showing up only if 'Required' was set to 'Yes'.
26 Feb 2016
Version 1.51.10
- Updated - Callback function added to the Date and Time Picker.
- Fixed - Legacy layouts adjustments ("formRequired" class was missing).
08 Feb 2016
Version 1.51.09
- Updated - More intuitive field properties when editing a field.
- Updated - Default 'Previous' and 'Next' button captions renamed.
- Fixed - Added workaround so that 'Delete field' does not throw a Javascript error when using improper language keys.
- Fixed - Captcha threw a Deprecated message on PHP 7.
- Fixed - Arial font was used in directory.css causing issues when generating PDF files using another font.
29 Jan 2016
Version 1.51.08
- Fixed - Pagebreak 'Previous' button had a wrong id.
- Fixed - {error} placeholder was not working if AJAX Validation was turned off.
- Fixed - Improper validation for 'Textarea' field values.
21 Jan 2016
Version 1.51.07
- Updated - Code improvements for the Checkbox and Radio Group fields.
- Updated - Post to location rework - can now specify pairs of names and values to send to another script.
- Fixed - Further adjustments 'Date and Time Picker' field to prevent invalid selections.
- Fixed - Better escaping for the Javascript calculations output.
- Fixed - '?sensor=true' no longer required for Google Maps API.
- Fixed - Further PHP 5.2 compatibility fixes.
- Fixed - Mappings did not connect with the correct username.
- Fixed - Dropdown, radio and checkbox groups had incorrect default values.
19 Jan 2016
Version 1.51.06
- Fixed - Calendars threw an error on PHP 5.2.
- Fixed - Joomla! 2.5.x threw an error when using 'Enable WYSIWYG Editor' in a Textarea field.
19 Jan 2016
Version 1.51.05
- Fixed - Calculations did not work when Textbox had 'Type' set to 'Number'.
- Fixed - Mappings did not allow HTML code.
- Fixed - AJAX scripts are now loaded only if needed.
18 Jan 2016
Version 1.51.04
- Fixed - 'Submissions - Directory' menu items incorrectly displayed all submissions.
- Fixed - Searching for an invalid date range in the Manage Submissions area would make the page unusable until logout.
15 Jan 2016
Version 1.51.03
- Updated - 'Pagebreak' fields can now use <button> elements.
- Fixed - Invalid selections are now prevented when using Date Modifier on 'Date and Time Picker' fields.
- Fixed - In some cases, the 'Date and Time Picker' field did not popup.
- Fixed - Calculations did not display the correct decimals.
12 Jan 2016
Version 1.51.02
- Updated - Connection details for existing Mappings can now be edited.
- Fixed - Assets (scripts and stylesheets) no longer loaded twice when using the System Plugin.
- Fixed - Calendar initialization variables were not being escaped correctly.
- Fixed - Calendar Min Date, Max Date, Min Time, Max Time fields did not accept PHP code.
- Fixed - Forms could not be edited if a Mappings query could not connect to the database.
- Fixed - Restoring a backup did not restore the Mappings driver used.
11 Jan 2016
Version 1.51.01
- Fixed - Inline (XHTML) layout produced some PHP Notices when Error Reporting was set to Maximum.
- Fixed - Labels for Radio and Checkbox Groups did not allow HTML code.
11 Jan 2016
Version 1.51.0
- Added - New Responsive Layouts (Bootstrap2, Bootstrap3, UIKit)
- Added - New Form Field - Date Time Picker
- Added - Support for custom PHP validations without overriding core file validation.php
- Added - New Form Field Attribute for Textbox / Password / Textarea - Placeholder
- Added - New Form Field Attribute for Checkbox / Radio Groups - Vertical Columns
- Added - New Type Attribute for Textbox (text, email, phone, number, url)
- Added - You can now search for forms in the Manage Forms section
- Updated - Re-done Excel generation class - export now generates xlsx (Excel 2003 and upwards) files
- Updated - Bundled TCPDF library updated to v6.2.11
- Updated - Administration interface adjustments
- Updated - Code optimizations and logic separation
- Updated - Mappings has been re-worked and it now supports other database drivers
- Updated - front.css can now be overridden in /media/com_rsform/css/front.css
- Updated - No longer using MyISAM tables as default engine during installation
- Fixed - Hidden fields are now placed at the bottom of the HTML so they don't take up space inside the form
- Fixed - Restoring forms did not work due to a particular bug affecting Ubuntu 14 (PHP 5.5) where gzopen() is not defined
- Fixed - CodeMirror bugs when editing the Form Layout
08 Jan 2016
Version 1.50.27
- Fixed - PDF did not display properly when using '2 Columns' layout in 'Directory Submissions'.
- Fixed - Renamed some session variables that caused RSForm! Pro with Joomla! 2.5 hardening session patch to not work correctly.
10 Dec 2015
Version 1.50.26
- Fixed - Field name was not validated correctly in some cases.
- Fixed - In some particular cases, backups could not be restored.
29 Oct 2015
Version 1.50.25
- Added - Option to allow uploading potentially unsafe files (min. Joomla! 3.4.0)
07 Sep 2015
Version 1.50.24
- Fixed - When editing a submission in the frontend the Birthday field would not validate in some cases.
03 Sep 2015
Version 1.50.23
- Fixed - Fields were not highlighted during validation errors when editing a submission through the Directory menu item.
- Fixed - 'Unique field' and 'Unique field per user' were not working properly when editing a submission through the Directory menu item.
19 Aug 2015
Version 1.50.22
- Fixed - Fields were not highlighted during validation errors when editing a submission through the Directory menu item.
- Fixed - 'Unique field' and 'Unique field per user' were not working properly when editing a submission through the Directory menu item.
27 Jul 2015
Version 1.50.21
- Fixed - There was an issue with file prefixes that contained special characters.
22 Jul 2015
Version 1.50.20
- Added - {global:naturalcounter} placeholder for the 'Submissions - View' menu item (will return an incrementing or decrementing number based on Ascending / Descending).
- Updated - Calculations will now work even if 'Thousands separator' and 'Decimal separator' have the same values.
- Fixed - Exporting to CSV would throw a PHP deprecated notice because of an ereg_replace() function.
- Fixed - Removed some MooTools Javascript calls from the backend.
01 Jul 2015
Version 1.50.19
- Added - Updates will now show up in the Joomla! Update section.
- Fixed - Some areas in the administration section of RSForm! Pro were not working since updating to Joomla! 3.4.2.
29 Jun 2015
Version 1.50.18
- Fixed - In some cases uploaded files could not be downloaded.
28 May 2015
Version 1.50.17
- Fixed - AJAX Validation was defaulting to English when 'System - Language Filter' was enabled.
25 May 2015
Version 1.50.16
- Fixed - Submissions table structure can now store IPv6.
16 Mar 2015
Version 1.50.14
- Updated - RTL adjustments.
- Fixed - rsfp_f_onBeforeFormValidation trigger was not working correctly when using AJAX validation.
05 Mar 2015
Version 1.50.13
- Added - Triggers: rsfp_onBeforeFormBuildRoute, rsfp_onAfterFormBuildRoute, rsfp_onBeforeFormParseRoute, rsfp_onAfterFormParseRoute.
- Added - Validation messages can now be overwritten during processing (through the PHP Scripts area or by a System Plugin).
- Updated - Backup settings have been moved in the 'Configuration' area under a 'Backup' tab.
- Updated - 'Default Backup Filename' can now be set in the 'Configuration'
- Updated - 'pages.js' no longer loaded - code has been included in 'scripts.js' as it's more efficient to load a single file.
- Fixed - All SEF URLs were pointing to the default 'form' view, thus disallowing other views to work properly with SEF.
- Fixed - When restoring a backup, 'Keep form IDs from backup' was always seen as being checked.
- Fixed - Calculations did not work correctly with single digit decimals since 1.50.10
03 Mar 2015
Version 1.50.12
- Fixed - The backend sidebar on Joomla! 3.4 was not showing correctly.
17 Feb 2015
Version 1.50.11
- Updated - Improvements when querying the database for field properties (results are temporarily cached.)
- Fixed - 'Add to backend menu' wasn't working.
- Fixed - 'Manage Directories' was throwing a query error when searching for unicode strings on versions of MySQL > 5.5.3
10 Feb 2015
Version 1.50.10
- Fixed - Calculations were not working correctly when the number contained more than one 'thousands separator'.
04 Feb 2015
Version 1.50.09
- Added - Two new placeholders: {global:mailfrom} and {global:fromname}.
- Fixed - 'Date Submitted' timezone was not working correctly when saving a submission with Manage Directories.
14 Jan 2015
Version 1.50.08
- Added - New option 'Save IP to Database' in Properties > Form Info > Misc.
- Fixed - The submission 'Confirmed' field was showing the opposite value.
04 Dec 2014
Version 1.50.07
- Added - New {global:formid} placeholder that can be used in Form Layout.
- Added - Free Text fields will now show their value when using {FreeText:value}.
- Fixed - Some servers were double encoding form backups and caused issues in Google Chrome.
- Fixed - enctype="multipart/form-data" attribute no longer added automatically if form contains no upload fields.
- Fixed - Mappings now escapes the database name.
27 Oct 2014
Version 1.50.06
- Updated - 'Additional Emails' now open in the same language as the form is currently being edited in.
- Updated - New 'Additional Emails' now display the language they'll be created in.
- Fixed - New 'Additional Emails' are created in the same language the form is currently being edit in.
- Fixed - Translations for 'Additional Emails' were not being saved correctly.
- Fixed - Some backups were not restoring even though the backups were genuine due to an implementation bug.
- Fixed - Prevent double encoding of GZIP backups on Google Chrome when servers had GZIP content compression enabled.
- Fixed - When restoring an invalid backup, 'null' would show up instead of an actual message.
22 Oct 2014
Version 1.50.05
- Updated - Small code and query improvements when generating the form layout.
- Fixed - Form layouts no longer generate a required marker for 'Invisible' CAPTCHA.
- Fixed - 'Form' menu item wasn't taking into account 'Include Site Name in Page Titles' Global Configuration parameter.
- Fixed - 'Form' menu item wasn't taking into account 'Meta description' and 'Meta keywords' parameters.
- Fixed - 'Submissions - Directory' menu item wasn't taking into account 'Include Site Name in Page Titles' Global Configuration parameter.
- Fixed - 'Submissions - Directory' menu item wasn't taking into account 'Meta description', 'Meta keywords' and 'Robots' parameters.
- Fixed - 'Submissions - View' menu item wasn't taking into account 'Include Site Name in Page Titles' Global Configuration parameter.
- Fixed - 'Submissions - View' menu item wasn't taking into account 'Meta description', 'Meta keywords' and 'Robots' parameters.
20 Oct 2014
Version 1.50.04
- Fixed - Static submission headers were showing up incorrectly when editing a submission using 'Submissions - Directory'.
- Fixed - Some submission values could be saved incorrectly when using 'Submissions - Directory'.
16 Oct 2014
Version 1.50.03
- Fixed - In a particular case when multiple forms were present on the page, the conditional fields were not working correctly.
13 Oct 2014
Version 1.50.02
- Updated - Syntax highlighting (CodeMirror) now matches brackets as well as tags.
09 Oct 2014
Version 1.50.01
- Fixed - Creating a form through the wizard was no longer possible after the 1.50.0 update.
06 Oct 2014
Version 1.50.0
- Added - Relative paths are now accepted as Destinations in the "File Upload" field.
- Updated - Completely rewritten backup and restore functions.
- Updated - Backup name can be customized.
- Updated - New backup archives now allow you to keep the same form IDs when restoring.
- Updated - Plugins can now inject their own data into the backup, restore it, as well as delete it when you delete a form.
Please update your RSForm! Pro plugins as well. - Updated - Syntax Highlighting script (CodeMirror) updated to 4.6.1
- Fixed - List of available placeholders wasn't working on first click.
- Fixed - Not all form data was being deleted when you removed a form.
03 Sep 2014
Version 1.49.14
- Fixed - Resolved some Javascript conflicts occurring when a form was being accessed through the "Add to backend menu" feature.
26 Aug 2014
Version 1.49.13
- Fixed - The "{:text}" placeholder wasn't showing the correct value if the field contained calculations.
22 Jul 2014
Version 1.49.12
- Fixed - In some cases JavaScript functions were being run multiple times when using Conditional Fields, causing delays.
12 Jun 2014
Version 1.49.11
- Fixed - Calculations were throwing JS errors when using single quotes in separators.
12 Jun 2014
Version 1.49.10
- Fixed - A JS issue when Google Maps was used with Result output = Coordinates.
12 Jun 2014
Version 1.49.09
- Fixed - Fixed a bug that would prevent {if} statements to work properly.
27 May 2014
Version 1.49.08
- Updated - Calendar now jumps to the min date when the 'minimum date' Date Modifier is used.
- Fixed - The 'luhn' Validation Rule should not have been visible.
08 May 2014
Version 1.49.07
- Updated - Minor layout improvements in the form editing area.
- Fixed - Workaround for Joomla! 3.3 tooltips not displaying correctly.
29 Apr 2014
Version 1.49.06
- Fixed - Parameter in URL was causing issues with dropdowns.
28 Apr 2014
Version 1.49.05
- Updated - Improved Credit Card validation.
22 Apr 2014
Version 1.49.04
- Fixed - Radios (checked by default) were not behaving correctly when using parameters in the URL.
17 Apr 2014
Version 1.49.03
- Fixed - Checkboxes (checked by default) were not behaving correctly when using parameters in the URL.
15 Apr 2014
Version 1.49.02
- Fixed - Multi-language issues when editing form.
14 Apr 2014
Version 1.49.01
- Fixed - Manage Submissions - limit wasn't being displayed on Joomla! 3.x
02 Apr 2014
Version 1.49.0
- Updated - Added some classes in the "Submissions - Directory" menu item..
- Updated - Added breadcrumbs when viewing or editing a submission in the "Submissions - Directory" menu item.
- Updated - Added breadcrumbs when viewing a submission "Submissions - View" menu item.
- Updated - Added "Apply" button when editing a submission.
- Updated - Submission information (DateSubmitted, UserIp etc) can now be edited in th "Submissions - Directory" menu item.
- Added - Export submissions to Excel XML.
- Added - Automatically set a default value from the URL.
- Added - {if} scripting works in the "Submissions - View" menu item.
- Added - Javascript function that can trigger all form conditions: rsfp_runAllConditions(formId).
- Fixed - {if} scripting now ignores spacing (eg. {if {something:value}} and {if{something:value}} both work).
- Fixed - "Force Responsive Template" was causing issues on some templates.
- Fixed - PHP code no longer runs in the backend.
- Fixed - "Search" no longer appears in the "Submissions - Directory" menu item if there are no searchable fields selected.
- Fixed - {global:fullname} placeholder wasn't working in the Manage Directories - Details Layout area.
- Fixed - Some error descriptions have been improved.
09 Sep 2013
Rev 48 - Joomla! 3.0 & 2.5 only
- Added - List submissions as a directory with sortable & searchable columns
- Added - Export selected submissions to CSV in the frontend
- Added - Simple editing of submissions in the frontend
- Added - Easily place Google Maps in your form
- Added - Built-in field calculations
- Added - Form access restriction
26 Jul 2013
Rev 47 - Joomla! 3.0 & 2.5 only
- Fixed - Worked around JView bug introduced in Joomla! 3.1.2 and upwards
13 Mar 2013
Rev 46 - Joomla! 3.0 & 2.5 only
- Updated - Two calendars can now be connected between each other by using the "Date Modifier" parameter
- Updated - Calendars now accept custom PHP code in the "Min Date" and "Max Date" parameter
- Updated - Redone calendar initialization script (cal.js)
- Updated - Calendars can now be accessed through Javascript: format is RSFormProCalendars[formId][calendarName]
- Updated - Newly created forms are using the "Responsive Layout" by default
- Updated - Small performance improvements on form validation
- Added - New "Birthday Field"
- Added - Scripting language in User, Admin & Additional Emails and Thank You Message: {if {placeholder:value}}this text gets displayed if the placeholder has a value{/if}
- Added - New "Validation Rule": "Same Value as Other Field" (ensures two fields have the same value)
- Added - Configurable "XSS Filtering" option
- Added - Ability to hide "Form Title"
- Added - "Date Mask" in the Configuration
- Added - New triggers for plugins: rsfp_bk_onCreateConditionOptionFields, rsfp_bk_onFormDelete, rsfp_bk_onFormCopy, rsfp_bk_onFormBackup, rsfp_bk_onFormRestoreTruncate.
- Fixed - "Continue" button did not inherit the Responsive Layout's design
- Fixed - When editing a submission, textareas are preferred over text inputs if there are new lines in the value
- Fixed - SQL Mappings & Additional Emails were not being saved when copying a form
08 Jan 2013
Updated Payment Package. See blog post here
- Updated - Completely rewritten "Total" field
- Added - New placeholder: {field_name:price}
- Added - New configuration items: "Product Price Mask" and "Total Price Mask"
- Fixed - Code was not being parsed in the Items property before being redirected to payment gateway
- Fixed - "|Please select" now works correctly
04 Dec 2012
Rev 45 - Joomla! 3.0 & 2.5 only
Please update your modules and plugins as well!- Updated - Joomla! 3.0 compatibility
- Updated - Ability to set/unset required fields without editing the field properties
- Updated - New Payment Plugin that allows for multiple payment options on the same form
- Updated - Payment Plugin now supports a "donation" field
- Added - Export to OpenDocument Spreadsheet
- Added - New triggers that allow for ReCAPTCHA to be validated through AJAX
- Added - New placeholders for Submissions View: {details_link} and {detailspdf_link}
- Added - New Offline Payment Plugin
- Fixed - Captcha now shows the required marker
01 Aug 2012
Rev 44
- Updated - Mappings can now be modified through "Scripts called after form process"
- Updated - Improved backend design
- Updated - Now taking account the timezone set in the Global Configuration for new submissions
- Added - New "RSForm! Pro PDF" plugin that allows you to create a PDF and attach it to emails
- Added - New "Responsive" layout
- Added - Built-in ability to do silent posts
- Added - Now you can use template overrides
- Added - Now you can use [d] to disable items in Dropdowns, Checkbox or Radio Groups
- Fixed - "Prev" button was showing in the backend on the first page
- Fixed - "Show Page Heading" is now working
- Fixed - "Include Site Name in Page Titles" is now working
20 Feb 2012
Rev 43
- Updated - Refactored some code for efficiency & speed
- Updated - Using textareas for longer column types in Mappings
- Added - Conditional Fields
- Added - Ability to select if buttons should be input or button tags
- Added - Now allowing HTML code when configuring mappings
- Added - Basic Joomla! 2.5 ACL support
- Fixed - Some language strings
- Fixed - Mappings query was not saved correctly with some fields
- Fixed - Mappings did not retrieve tables with special characters in their name
- Fixed - Some language strings were left untranslated
- Fixed - Form Layout was ignored when creating a form through the wizard
03 Oct 2011
Rev 42
- Updated - Improved and refactored some code in order to increase server performance
- Updated - Only numeric input accepted in file size
- Added - Mailing workaround for 1.7.0 (which introduced a bug, always setting the Reply-To header)
- Added - "Unique Field per User" validation - enable one field to be unique per user
- Added - "Diagnose server upload settings" to aid in file upload debugging
- Added - "Page Progress" option when using multipage forms
- Fixed - "Error Message" now shows up when using AJAX validation
- Fixed - "Support" and "Plugins" links now open in new tab
- Fixed - getComponentId() not grabbing correct Form Id when SEF enabled
14 Sep 2011
Rev 41
- Added - Plugin to migrate forms from Blue Flame Forms
- Added - Fallback method for Joomla! language files
- Added - "Unique Field" validation - check if the field is already submitted with this value
- Added - "Email Address /w DNS Check" validation - check if the domain name of the email address exists
- Added - "Credit Card (AMEX/Diners/Dicover/Master/Visa)" validation - check if a credit card is valid
- Added - "USA ZIP Code" validation - check if supplied value is a valid zip code
- Added - "Phone Number (123-456-7890)" validation - check if supplied value is a valid phone number
- Added - "IP Address" validation
- Added - "URL" validation
- Added - "Regex" validation
- Added - Syntax Highlighting for scripting areas - enabled from the Configuration section
- Added - You can fail form validation by using the "Scripts called on form process" area and populating the $invalid variable
- Added - Back to form button in Submissions area
- Added - "Additional Emails Script" that will trigger whenever additional emails are sent
- Added - Ability to show only confirmed submissions in the Submissions View (+ mod_rsform_list)
- Added - Ability to sort submissions (by date) descending or ascending in the Submissions View (+ mod_rsform_list)
- Fixed - HTML tags in Form Title showing up when browsing the Manage Forms section
- Fixed - HTML tags in Form Title showing up in the backup page
- Fixed - Calendar javascript now correctly translates days and months
- Fixed - Passphrase validation (formerly password) now works on textboxes
- Fixed - Added error message when restore cannot be performed
- Removed - Debug Mode from Configuration
21 Jun 2011
Version 1.4.0 - Rev 40
- Added - Ability to map form data to other database tables (local or remote) via the Mappings built-in feature. It can now execute insert, update and delete queries
- Added - Save data to database (yes/no): You can now chose whether you wish to save the submission to the default RSform!Pro submission database tables.
- Added - Convert forms to back-end menus items: You can have functional forms in the back-end area. These can be assigned to the Components menu item.
- Added - Paypal cancel URL
- Added - Paypal language code
- Added - Paypal tax
- Added - Additional emails: You can now send a unlimited number of emails, besides the usual User / Admin emails. Each of them can be configured separately.
- Added - Search submissions front-end: A simple search form can be enabled to the RSform!Pro Submissions View
- Added - Submission confirmation
- Updated - Components view
15 Mar 2011
Rev 36
- Added - Multi-language native support
- Added - Filter submissions by language (admin)
- Added - Ability to show submissions in front-end by language (in the Submissions View)
- Added - mod_rsform_list can show submissions by language
31 Jan 2011
Rev 35
- Updated - Joomla! 1.6 compatible
- Updated - Improved reading configuration
- Fixed - Meta data no longer is set when a form is in a module position
29 Dec 2010
Rev 34
- Updated - Calendar javascript
- Added - Ability to set minimum and maximum dates in the calendar
- Added - Calendar retains the date when validation fails
- Added - Default value for the calendar
- Added - The calendar date selection event can be overridden with a javascript function rsfp_onSelectDate() inside your form
- Added - Year navigation for the calendar
- Added - Warning when no submit buttons are found in the form
- Added - Ability to show or hide the Continue button on the Thank You page
- Added - Manager Submissions date filter
- Fixed - AJAX validation now moves the page where the first error is encountered
- Fixed - Themes loaded on Thank You Page as well
- Fixed - Pagination buttons can now be styled by Themes
- Fixed - Adding onclick to Page Buttons or a class in the Additional Attributes gets appended instead of ignored
- Fixed - Improved Invisible CAPTCHA
21 Oct 2010
Rev 33
- Added - A "Submissions" view with the same functionality as mod_rsform_list
- Added - Download a submission as PDF through the new "Submissions" view
- Added - Additional fields for Salesforce: description, mobile, fax, website, salutation, revenue, employees
- Added - Custom fields for Salesforce
- Added - Custom themes support, with the following preinstalled: Clean, Green, Red
- Added - The form can now be validated when switching to the next page
- Added - CSS classes for each form block and for the form components as well
- Added - "Submissions" button when editing a form
- Added - Message showing which form is being edited
- Fixed - Added a random number when generating CAPTCHA to avoid image caching
- Fixed - SQL improvements when loading the RSForm! Pro configuration
- Fixed - Excel UTF-8 export
30 Sep 2010
Rev 32
- Updated - Calendar javascript
- Added - Form Attributes when editing a form (ID, class, name, action, additional)
- Added - Forms can now have AJAX validation
- Added - Required and Validation Rules columns are now shown in the backend for increased usability
- Added - A new placeholder {Upload:path} to show direct file locations on the server
- Added - When scrolling down to edit an element, the window scrolls itself on top for a better editing workflow
- Fixed - Hacks for 3rd Party SEF
- Fixed - Tweaked restore from older versions
- Fixed - Retweaked cache handling
13 Aug 2010
Rev 31
- Added - The continue button can now be modified through the $continueButton variable in "Script called after form has been processed"
- Fixed - Added Legacy mode for old adapter and functions compatibility
- Fixed - Properly escaping HTML in some backend locations
- Fixed - Upload field bug with PHP5
- Fixed - Few bugs from Rev 30
10 Aug 2010
Version 1.3.0 - Rev 30
- Rewrote using Joomla! MVC architecture
- Updated - Main panel
- Updated - "Manage Submissions" has been redesigned
- Updated - Export to CSV now offers a small preview of the file before exporting
- Updated - Now using INI language files instead of PHP constants
- Updated - Heavily improved performance by optimizing the number of SQL queries performed (70% queries reduced)
- Updated - Files are now read by PHP and prompted for download to the user, instead of relying on the file's URL
- Updated - "Add to menu" now redirects you to a Joomla! menu item so you can choose all of the available options
- Updated - Look and feel throughout the software
- Added - Multipage built-in capability
- Added - Drag and drop for ordering form fields
- Added - Effect when editing a form field
- Added - Able to specify custom CSS and Javascript in your form
- Added - Ability to show or hide the Thank You Message
- Added - Multiple selections (dropdowns, checkboxes) can now be separated by a custom string
- Added - New lines from textareas can be transformed into
tags - Added - Attaching a file from your server to an email can now be browsed with a built-in file manager
- Added - Clicking on any field where you can type a placeholder now brings a list of all available placeholders
- Added - Email Scripts that can be run before emails are sent
- Added - Salesforce integration with the new Salesforce Plugin
- Added - Editing a submission in a separate screen while retaining all the field types instead of just inputs or textareas
- Added - Ability to select which columns to show in the "Manage Submissions" screen
- Added - Export to Excel
- Added - Export to XML
- Added - Single submissions can be exported to PDF
- Added - File Upload fields can now have a custom prefix instead of the default random one
- Fixed - Form field properties are now added when the field is saved if missing
- Fixed - Attaching files which contain a single quote
- Fixed - Properly escaping HTML in several locations in the backend
- Fixed - Minor Javascript warnings
10 Jun 2010
Rev 29
- Added - "Clear All Submissions" button for each form
- Added - "Manage Forms" reworked for increased usability
- Fixed - Renamed a calendar function so it doesn't conflict with other JavaScripts
- Fixed - "Manage Submissions" filters are now on the left side on the screen
- Fixed - "Manage Submissions" POST error when dealing with large submissions
- Fixed - Changed FormLayout column from TEXT to LONGTEXT
- Fixed - Meta information and error messages are now copied correctly
27 Jan 2010
Rev 28
- Added - Updates are now installed through Extensions > Install/Uninstall
- Added - Meta Description, Keywords and Page Title for each form
- Added - Emails can now be re-sent through the Manage Submissions area
- Added - Required fields can now be marked with a custom text, instead of (*)
- Added - Warning message if Autogenerate Layout is disabled
- Added - Custom error message to be shown if form validation fails
- Added - New XHTML Layout: 2 lines
- Added - The following placeholders are now available in the Form Layout or in the Default Value of a form component:
{global:formtitle}, {global:username}, {global:userip}, {global:userid}, {global:useremail}, {global:fullname}, {global:sitename}, {global:siteurl} - Added - Optiongroups to dropdowns. Just use "Group Name[g]" to specify the start of an
- Fixed - Redirected all requests from index2.php to index.php
- Fixed - Added HTML entity coding in AJAX functions
- Fixed - Renamed captcha class to rsfp_captcha in order to avoid Acajoom bug
- Fixed - Export now starts automatically
- Fixed - Added error message if export path is not writable
09 Nov 2009
Rev 27
- Added - router.php for Joomla! core SEF
- Fixed - Action URI
- Fixed - Attachments did not work if the uploaded file contains a single quote
- Fixed - Email validation did not work for emails that contained an extra space
- Fixed - Improvements on the Update installer
28 Oct 2009
Rev 26
- Added - Custom char validation rules
- Added - Ajax export function
- Added - Useable palceholders in User email attach
- Added - Multiple products in the paypal plugin
- Fixed - When exporting all new lines were stripped
- Fixed - Ajax responses forced in UTF-8
19 Jun 2009
Rev 25
- Added - License changed to GPL Commercial
- Added - Joomla!'s keepalive behavior for the Form Editing page
- Added - IIS Compatibility mode - some Windows IIS servers had problems when submitting a form
- Added - WYSIWYG Editor Compatiblity mode - editors stripping your website's URLs from links
- Added - CAPTCHA modes: FreeType (for servers with FreeType support), No FreeType (for servers without FreeType support) and Invisible (a hidden textbox that spambots will automatically fill)
- Fixed - Revised the XSS protection script to ignore false alerts
- Fixed - Menu parameters not being read correctly
- Fixed - Bug in Manage Submissions; when editing a submission, some fields were not saved correctly
- Fixed - Bug when clicking on the Cancel button
- Fixed - Bug when creating a new form always showing {global:formtitle}
- Fixed - Changed the "No formId" message into something more appealing
- Fixed - Redone all SQL queries to use Joomla!'s JDatabase Object
- Fixed - Optimized queries: A few queries used unneeded joins; decreased the number of queries
- Fixed - Layout generating code optimized
- Fixed - File link not being displayed correctly when using SSL
- Fixed - Backups no longer hardcode the Joomla! database prefix
20 Jun 2009
Rev 24
- Added - Improved 3rd party plugin integration
- Fixed - Migration plugin when importing submissions
28 Apr 2009
Rev 23
- Fixed - Speed improvements by adding indexes to the database
- Fixed - Return URL not working on some servers
- Fixed - Submission manager redirect bug
- Fixed - When adding a form to menu, no alias was created
- Fixed - Removing forward slashes \ from uploaded files when hosted on Windows
09 Mar 2009
Rev 22
- Added - XHTML Inline layout (tableless design)
- Added - WYSIWYG Editor for Textarea component
- Added - Modify CAPTCHA image size
- Fixed - No longer required to type the form Id when adding a form to the Joomla! menu
- Fixed - Image button with reset label not working properly
- Fixed - Redone cleaning functions to consider the magic quotes setting
- Fixed - Major SQL queries redone
- Fixed - Various PHP code improvements
20 Feb 2009
Rev 21
- Added - Improved backup and restore procedures
- Fixed - Bug when deleting the title of a form
- Fixed - Bug when not specifying the max file size of the upload
17 Feb 2009
Version 1.2.0 - Rev 20
- Added - Script process after form is submitted
- Added - Radio and checkbox groups will now parse code tags
- Added - Can attach a file to the user email
- Fixed - Renamed class "clr" to "formClr" so that it won't overwrite other template classes
- Fixed - Replaced a buggy short open tag
- Fixed - Small improvements to the calendar javascript
- Fixed - SQL error when duplicating forms
- Fixed - Maxlength now works
- Fixed - Reset buttons now inherit properties
- Fixed - Uppercase tables should now be renamed to lowercase
- Fixed - Thank you message not showing up when using multibyte characters
- Fixed - Forms no longer show up when unpublished
- Fixed - PHP Notice when a form component is unpublished
- Fixed - File uploads
- Fixed - Replaced addslashes() with the recommended mysql_real_escape_string()
- Fixed - Reply-to: address is now From: address when sending emails
- Fixed - Submissions default limit is 20
- Fixed - Javascript message when deleting a form
- Fixed - Submission manager code improvements and optimizations
- Fixed - Backend language
28 Jul 2008
Rev 17
- Fixed - missing from Scripts tab
- Fixed - Multiple choices in e-mail returned "\n" or "n"
- Fixed - Bug showing errors
15 Jul 2008
Version 1.1.0 - Rev 16
- Added - the mappings plugin
10 Jul 2008
Rev 15
- Fixed - Bug in migration, migrating only one form
- Fixed - Migrated components cannot be fully edited
08 Jul 2008
Rev 14
- Fixed - Captcha Image had no ALT tag
- Fixed - XHTML validation was not valid
03 Jul 2008
Rev 13
- Added - tag for form components that allows you to return php variables and scripts
20 Jun 2008
Rev 12
- Fixed - export only generates 5 rows
- Fixed - when
10 Jun 2008
Version 1.0.1 - Rev 11
- Fixed - WISIWYG (other than TinyMCE) not showing
09 Jun 2008
Rev 10
- Fixed - file types identified with strtolower
- Added - max_execution_time 300 on backup/restore for bigger backups
- Fixed - Captcha doesn't show up in plugin/mambot
- Fixed - Captcha refresh doesn't work properly
05 Jun 2008
Rev 9
- Fixed - empty field values were not replaced in the mail text {field:value}
04 Jun 2008
Rev 8
- Added - Debug option
02 Jun 2008
Rev 7
- Fixed - $25.000 was not showing properly in dropdown
30 May 2008
Rev 6
- Fixed - running script called on form process after validation
29 May 2008
Rev 5
- Fixed - rename rsform.xml on install
- Fixed - created separate installers for Joomla 1.0 and Joomla 1.5 due to incompatibilities created by an unique installer
29 May 2008
Rev 4
- Fixed - The backup and update should use the Joomla /media folder
- Fixed - Captcha color and background color
- Fixed - Preview button in Joomla 1.5.x
- Fixed - Error when adding single quotes in Additional attributes
26 May 2008
Rev 3
- Fixed Add form to menu
- Fixed Multiple-Select component
- Fixed Auto-generate layout tick
- Fixed Installer CHmod/MKdir
- Fixed Emails always sent(even without the to parameter)
- Added License Code check on Updates
- Added validation rules: numeric, alpha, alphanumeric
- Added "Copy components"
- Fixed - "Copy forms"
- Fixed - Automatic saved more vizible to the client
- Fixed - Reguire confirmation on "Delete all" and "Delete selected" (submissions tab)
- Added the XSS script for POST
- Added placeholders to the return URL
- Added a button for adding a new menu item in each row in Form Manager
08 Apr 2008
Rev 2
- Fixed predefined layouts
- Fixed publish/unpublish forms
- Fixed Admin email mode
- Fixed multi-language
- Fixed placeholders for file-upload component
- Fixed ticket number form component
- Fixed validation message on Required = yes
- Fixed delete submissions
- Fixed Copy Forms
- Fixed Copy Components - duplicate names
- Fixed - If "Autogenerate Layout" checkbox is checked, autogenerate the layout
- Fixed - On the right side of the "Thank you message", "User emails", "Admin emails", place the name of the components used
- Fixed - On the submission side should be a Download file link for the upload fields
- Fixed - Added the "Preview button" on the top left side
- Fixed - Added the default validation message
- Fixed - Added validation sign (*) for reguired fields
04 Apr 2008
Version 1.0.0 - Rev 1
- Fixed export tool
- Fixed Return URL to parse placeholders
- Fixed Apply button to work on all tabs
- Fixed Delete Button
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