Phone Number

Advanced form field with the following configuration tabs:
- Name: the name of the form component. This needs to be unique for each form. It can contain only alphanumeric chars. The name of the field is only used for internal reference - it will not be displayed in the front-end area.
- Caption: the caption or label is the text or HTML that is being displayed in the form.
- Default Value: type in the default value to be displayed when the form is accessed.
- Description: Type in a description. Depending on the Form Layout you select, this will appear as a descriptive text next to the field or through a popup.
- Published: Yes / No
Explore the functionality of this field by seeing it in action on our demo server.
- Required: Yes / No. Enable this to make the field mandatory.
- Validation Rule: Choose from:
- - No Validation -
- Regex: this can be used for more advanced users to create their own validation patterns. Standard regular expressions specifications can be used.
- Same Value as Other Field: using this will check if two fields have the same value, selecting this validation another field will appear called "Field Name To Compare With" where you can add that field's exact name you want it to compare to.
- Unique Field: if enabled, this validation will only allow a field value that hasn't been submitted before, for that particular form.
- Unique Field per User: if enabled, this validation will only allow a field value that hasn't been submitted before by the logged in user.
- Precise Phone Validation: Set this to 'Yes' if you would like to use a more complex validation that checks more than the length of the phone number.
- Validation Message: This is the message displayed if field is required and not filled in or if it fails validation.
- Regex Syntax: Available when the 'Regex' validation is selected.
- Field Name To Compare With: Available when the 'Same Value as Other Field' validation is selected.
- Size: This is the HTML size attribute for the field. If you want to change the width consider using CSS instead.
- Placeholder: Add a HTML5 placeholder attribute.
- Hide Flags: Set this to 'Yes' if you would like to hide the flags displayed next to the country names.
- Hide Country Dropdown: Set this to 'Yes' if you would like to hide the country list.
- Countries List (each on a new line): Leave this empty to show all countries. To display only specific countries, add each country on a new line as a 2-letter ISO code (eg. US for United States, GB for United Kingdom).
- Initial Country: Use an external GeoIP service to detect the current country. Otherwise select the default country from the list provided, when choosing 'Manual Selection'.
- Select Country: Select the country to be displayed by default when the form is accessed.
Translating a country name
All the countries language constants are available by default in the following file:
For example:
You can use the standard Joomla! Language Override feature to provide a different translation. You'll see the result in the Country dropdown along with the flag.
To prevent duplication, the country translations in the frontend language file are commented out because the JavaScript field already manages these translations.
- AF
- AX
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- ZA
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- TJ
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- TK
- TO
- TT
- TN
- TR
- TM
- TC
- TV
- UM
- VI
- UG
- UA
- AE
- GB
- US
- UY
- UZ
- VU
- VA
- VE
- VN
- WF
- EH
- YE
- ZM
- ZW
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