Range Slider

Standard HTML input range object with the following configuration tabs:
- Name: the name of the form component. This needs to be unique for each form. It can contain only alphanumeric chars. The name of the field is only used for internal reference - it will not be displayed in the front-end area.
- Caption: the caption or label is the text or HTML that is being displayed in the actual form.
- Default value: the value will be automatically filled in when displaying the form. Inside the Default Value area you can use custom PHP codes in between the //<code> and //</code> tags.
- Description: text/HTML area that provides a description of the field. This can be useful for providing explanations or indications for that particular field.
- Required: Yes / No - if this is enabled some text needs to be typed in or a selection to be made.
- Validation Message: text / HTML area that will allow you to set up a message that will be displayed if the field validation fails.
- Slider Type:Select between Single Slider (provides a single marker) and Double Slider (provides two markers: from - to).
- Skin: Flat / HTML5 / Modern / Nice / Simple
- Use values: If set to YES allows you to add specific values for the slider.
- Values: Add specific values to the slider, each on a new line.
- Minimum Value: Set the minimum value that the marker can reach.
- Maximum Value: Set the maximum value that the marker can reach.
- Show Grid: If set to Yes, shows the grid under the slider.
- Grid Snap: If set to Yes, the grid will snap to sliders step.
- Grid Step: Allows you to set the step for the grid.
- Force Edges: YES/NO If set to Yes, the slider will always be inside it's container
- From Fixed: If set to Yes, forces the first marker to remain fixed.
- To Fixed: If set to Yes, forces the second marker to remain fixed.
- Allow Keyboard Controls: If set to Yes, allows users to modify the slider using the keyboard (left and right arrows)
- Readonly: Make the input field read-only (cannot be typed in)
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