Verify the Email address
If you need to force your users to double check their email address before submitting the form, then RSForm!Pro allows you to set a Same Value as Other Field rule, allowing you to compare two fields before submitting the form. If these don't match, the form will invalidate.
Steps to take:
- create the first email field, we're simply naming it for example 'Email';
- in the 'Email' field go to the 'Validations' tab and select the Email Address validation rule;
- create the second email field, for example, name it simply 'verifyEmail';
- in the 'verifyEmail' field go to Validations tab;
- choose the Same Value as Other Field validation rule;
- afterwards a new 'Field Name To Compare With' textbox will appear where you can type the first email field name.
A complete list of Validation rules for the Textbox field can be found here.
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