
RSLens! Logo

RSLens! is our seventh template release, following RSJuno!, RSEvento!, RSClario!, RSAria!, RSBaron! and RSDinah!. As the first six, RSLens! offers a very clean and well-organized layout, responsive through Bootstrap, along with various, intuitive backend configuration options designed to let you customize the template to fully fit your needs.


  • Joomla! 3.x compatibility
  • Advanced customization with Shortcodes
  • K2 and Kunena compatibility
  • Seamless compatibility with all RSJoomla! components and modules
  • Re-arrange module positions by dragging and dropping them to the desired location
  • Some module positions include multiple styles to choose from
  • Responsive Layout using Bootstrap
  • 10 Color Schemes to select from
  • Animated menu items effects
  • Logo or Site name feature
  • Built-in template overrides
  • Over 600 Google Fonts to choose from
  • Animated Social Links (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+, YouTube, Vimeo, Flickr, Pinterest, Skype and Yahoo)
  • Easy Favicon replacement

Custom CSS for Joomla! components

Although the template offers 10 pre-defined styles to choose from, we are aware that many users will need to further change it's look to bring it closer to what they have in mind. To ease this process, we have thought up a solution that allows you to add your custom style(s) for our own, or 3rd party components, in a folder found in the template's directory structure, specially destined for this purpose. Future template updates will not affect it, so the risk of losing your changes is ruled out.

Template overrides

Our template also makes use of Joomla!'s Template Overrides feature which offers HTML and PHP - savvy users great liberty in personalizing the layouts of any Joomla! component installed on their website.


The Shortcodes feature provides 4 pre-defined, customizable effects: Box, Accordion, Carousel and Tabs. All of them are implemented through the System - RSTemplate! plugin and can be added in any area of your website's where an editor is present (Content articles, Custom HTML modules, etc. ). Have a look at RSLens!'s demo website to get an idea of what can be done using this feature.

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Using the template

Template positions

Built-in template overrides