Number of internal and external links on a page
Google's webmaster guidelines recommends to limit the number of internal and external links on each page to 100.
There are 3 reasons why you should resume to 100 links:
Crawling issues: an increased number of links on a page may cause some dificulties when it comes to crawling a website. This could result in a lower number of indexed pages present in search engines index page.
e.g. Google may choose not to index all these links.
User experience: although a page with a multitude of internal and external links might not be considered spammy by search engines (as long as it does not include hidden links and other blackhat seo pratices), users might be overwhelmed by these links.
Dividing the Page Rank to more than 100 links.
You have more than 100 internal and external links on this page
Try to lower the number of internal and external links on this page, so the search engines crawlers may reach deep into site's architecture.
A good site structure facilitates the crawlers access and increases the chances to have more pages indexed.
You have fewer than 100 internal and external links on this page:
If you have fewer than 100 internal and external links on a given page, then the chances to have more indexed pages in search engines result page may increase.
For further references and guidelines, please read:
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