The sitemap generates a small number of pages
Why is my sitemap not displaying all the pages?
Before creating the sitemap, you need to crawl your website's pages. Go to Components > RSSeo! > Crawler. This tool identifies all your website's pages. Once the crawling process is complete, you can view the identified pages under the RSSeo! Pages tab.
By default, crawled pages are marked as 'Add to sitemap' in the Pages section. If however after crawling, these are not added to the sitemap, you can mark the pages you want in your sitemap via Backend > Components > RSSeo! > Pages, using the 'Add to sitemap' column. Then, regenerate your sitemap.xml. If needed, delete the empty sitemap file before generating a new one.
You can control how the 'Add to sitemap' feature will be set for the new auto-crawled pages from the configuration area > Sitemap tab, 'Add to sitemap' for auto-crawled pages option.
If the 'Exclude auto-crawled pages' option is enabled (RSSeo! > Configuration > Sitemap tab), auto-crawled pages will not be included in the sitemap.
To improve crawling, go to Backend > Components > RSSeo! > Overview. Click the 'Options' button and navigate to the Crawler tab. Set the 'Crawler Type' option to 'AJAX' and ensure the crawler level is set to unlimited. Save your changes and crawl your website again.
Pages with a canonical reference or redirect are excluded from the sitemap because they do not add value. To include such pages, remove the 'Canonical page' link from their settings, then regenerate the sitemap.
If a page is marked as 'No Index' and you want to exclude it from the sitemap, go to RSSeo! > Configuration > Sitemap, and enable the 'Exclude pages with noindex' option.
Sitemap file permissions are normally set to 644 but can be adjusted if needed (e.g., 755). If you're unsure about this, it's best not to change the permissions.