Why Ticket Messages Might Lose Formatting in RSTickets!Pro

When creating a ticket on your site, if the 'Use the Joomla! editor for writing messages' setting is disabled, try enabling it. This option is found in backend > Components > RSTickets!Pro > Settings > General and helps you in formatting the ticket message.

However, if your ticket messages are losing formatting, it’s often due to Joomla's Text Filters settings. These filters, located in the Joomla backend under System > Global Configuration > Text Filters, determine how HTML is handled for different user groups. For instance, if the Guest user group is set to 'No HTML', all HTML content submitted by users in this group will be stripped, resulting in plain text messages.

Ensure that you adjust Text Filters specifically for the user group submitting the ticket to allow the desired HTML formatting. You can find more about each filter setting by expanding the 'Filter Type' accordion under the configuration.

Additionally, if you’re using the RSTickets!Pro Cron Plugin to process emails, note that Joomla’s global Text Filter settings will still apply, stripping HTML as configured. By adjusting these settings to suit your needs, you can maintain your preferred formatting in ticket messages.


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