Birthday Field

The Birthday Field element allows the user to select a date from a series of three drop-downs.
Standard HTML select tag with the following configuration tabs:
- Name: the name of the form component. This needs to be unique for each form. It can contain only alphanumeric chars. The name of the field is only used for internal reference - it will not be displayed in the front-end area.
- Caption: the caption or label is the text or HTML that is being displayed in the actual form.
- Description: text/HTML area that provides a description of the field. This can be useful for providing explanations or indications for that particular field.
- Allow Incorrect Dates: enabling this will allow users to input any date regardless of being correct or not, example 31-Feb-2013.
- Validation Rule: available date validations are From today(including today), From tomorrow, Until today(including today), Until today(excluding today).
- Required: Yes / No - if this is enabled, date selection will be mandatory.
- Validation Message: text / HTML area that will allow you to set up a message that will be displayed if the field validation fails.
- Fields Ordering: you can choose the order of the date drop-downs.
- Date Separator: the date separator, by default "/".
- Show Day Selector: enable/disable the day selector.
- Show 'Please Select' on Day Selector: name of the first item that will represent the according drop-down, leave blank to remove.
- Day Display: select how the day numbers will display.
- Show Month Selector: enable/disable the month selector.
- Show 'Please Select' on Month Selector: name of the first item that will represent the according drop-down, leave blank to remove.
- Month Display: select how the month numbers will display.
- Show Year Selector: enable/disable the month selector.
- Show 'Please Select' on Year Selector: name of the first item that will represent the according drop-down, leave blank to remove.
- Start Year: the starting year.
- End Year: the ending year.
- Store Leading Zero in Day/Month?: Choose if you want to save the leading 0. e.g. 06 or 6.
- Additional Attributes: can be used to trigger JavaScripts or for custom style. For example:
CSS: style="margin-left:20px" - this will set a 20px margin on the left side.
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