Ep. 30 - RSFeedback! - Joomla! Feedback component - backend presentation

RSFeedback! is a Joomla! feedback component that gives your users the opportunity to express their suggestion and ideas. In this episode, we will present the most important RSFeedback! backend features.


1. The "Feedbacks" tab:

  1. This tab lists all users submitted suggestions and ideas. Admins can edit the feedbacks, change the status and category, manage votes and flags.


2. The "Archive" tab:

  1. Old feedbacks can be archived / unarchived.


3. The "Categories" tab:

  1. Here you can configure the feedback categories: the maximum number of votes per feedbacks, allow or disable anonymous voting or feedbacks.


4. The "Groups" tab:

  1. Admins can create their own custom groups or use the existing ones.


5. The "Statuses" tab:

  1. You can create your own custom statuses according to your needs or use the pre-defined: accepted, declined or completed.


6. The "Flags" tab:

  1. Users can use flags to mark feedbacks as spam, duplicate, wrong category, inappropriate or any other custom flag created by admins.


7. The "Moderation" tab:

  1. Admins can create moderation rules that will automatically delete, archive, unpublish, according with the triggered flag.


8. The "Comments" tab:

  1. Users can discuss about their ideas using the built-in comment system or, if it exists, the already installed Joomla! comment.


9. The "Settings" tab:

  1. Here you can set the RSFeedback! global configuration: the allowed number of votes per feedback and per user, select the comment system, enable/disable anonymous feedbacks and votes, captcha and the pop-up window from the left/right side of your Joomla! website.




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