Joomla! extensions from RSJoomla! - Blog


RSEvents!Pro logo

It often happens to our clients to need additional custom fields on their RSEvents!Pro event registration form. This can be done with a simple integration with our form builder, RSForm!Pro that allows you to link your forms to your events.

16 Aug 2012 9 comments in RSEvents!Pro
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RSEvents!Pro logo

A whole list of improvements and new features have been added into the new RSEvents!Pro revision, starting with a better RSForm!Pro integration to better understand how registration can be done, better RSMediaGallery! integration which now doesn’t need the integration plugin anymore, multi-language notification e-mails and much more.

16 Aug 2012 6 comments in RSEvents!Pro
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RSSearch! Logo

The new RSSearch! revision comes with integrations for Virtuemart 1.x and 2.x, RSEvents!Pro, RSFiles!, Jevents and EventList. We also took the time to make some improvements to the back-end interface.

13 Aug 2012 0 comments in RSSearch!
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Tagged with joomla search, rssearch

RSForm!Pro logo

The new RSForm!Pro revision comes with major improvements and new add-ons such as CSS3 responsive layout and the PDF plugin. Also we have created an integration with the vtiger CRM.

31 Jul 2012 10 comments in Development, RSForm!Pro
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Tagged with joomla form

RSFiles! Logo

RSFiles! is getting better and better with the new improvements. The new revision will allow you to upload multiple files at once, use RSMediaGallery! to show file screenshots and much more.

26 Jul 2012 0 comments in RSFiles!
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Tagged with joomla files, rsfiles