Joomla! extensions from RSJoomla! - Blog

RSMediaGallery! logo

We've recently updated our Joomla! gallery extension, RSMediaGallery! to R4. This update only contains an API that you can use to integrate RSMediaGallery! into your own extension and is aimed at developers.

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As usual, we're constantly updating our products, bringing more features and improvements to our extensions. The new RSBlog! revision fulfills your latest requests, improving the product usability.

19 Jul 2012 0 comments in RSBlog!
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Tagged with joomla blog

RSEvents!Pro logoWe had a fresh start with RSEvents!Pro and, as usual when launching a new product small things still need to be adjusted. Rev. 2 comes with a few fixes regarding the event dates and how dates are imported from RSEvents! in case you are upgrading.

04 Jul 2012 0 comments in RSEvents!Pro
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Tagged with events, joomla events

In Rev. 43 we have added some new features to the Blacklisting option. The features will make it easier for admins to allow and block IP addresses and also increase security by blocking attackers trying to access your /administrator.

29 Jun 2012 4 comments in RSFirewall!
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RSSeo! Logo

The new RSSeo! revision fixes some connectivity issues reported by some of the users. Also, we improved the loading time of the extension by updating some of the MySQL queries that are executed.

27 Jun 2012 0 comments in RSSeo!
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Tagged with rsseo, joomla seo