Don't want to pay for every single template?
This question surfaces very often and if you are reading this article, it’s because you are tempted to choose a free Joomla! extension but you want to make sure you don’t hurt your business by doing so. And we are going to give you some tips on what to keep your eye on when you “shop around” for an extension.
It's time to celebrate one of the oldest (actually, THE oldest) RSJoomla! template! What better way to do this if not with a facelift? Although we have used the same design principles, it was about time this template benefitted from the new features added to our framework.
Prometheus was said to have given us fire to warm us up; Alexander Fleming is known to have given us penicillin to cure our diseases; and the Joomla development team has given us, and is still providing us with, one of the handiest CMS to simplify moving our business and hobbies online, and to help us blossom and flourish. Whether you are going to create a website for your customer or for yourself (blog, news website, magazine, portfolio, restaurant, pet-related site, travel website and so on) Joomla would be a great choice, which will help you save time and effort.
As promised, our template portofolio is getting bigger. Today, RSPenta! - a responsive Joomla! 3.x template, best suited for business websites makes an appearance. Read this blog post for more information!
Trying to infuse a serene, spacious look to your website? Look no further, as RSAlto! will impress you and your visitors alike with a flat design that resembles a breath of fresh air.