RSComments! revision 8 comes with new frontend and backend functionalities:
terms and conditions, file uploading and 2 new comment filters.
1. Terms and conditions
A new RSComments! feature allows administrators to enable a "Terms and conditions" checkbox. In order for a new comment to be added, the submitter would have to agree with the specified terms. The new option can be enabled from the RSComments! "Configuration" tab.

2. Attach files to comments
RSComments! offers multiple frontend functionalities.
Besides embedding videos, images or code quotes in comments, starting with revision 8, users are allowed to attach a file to the comment message as well.

3. K2 and Flexicontent comments filter in backend
With RSComments!, you can add comments to any Joomla! article, section, category or even 3rd party components using specific placeholders.
For a quick comment selection, we’ve added in the “Comments” tab 2 more filters specific to the K2 and Flexicontent extensions.