We've been working hard lately to bring you RSForm!Pro rev. 41 with hot new features:
multiple validation rules, fallback method for Joomla! language files, migration plugin for BF Forms and many more.
1. Multiple validation rules
The form field values have new validation rules:
- "Unique Field": when this validation rule is selected, RSForm!Pro won’t allow 2 identical field values
- "Email Address with DNS Check" - an additional email validation checks the availability of the specified domain name
- "Credit Card (AMEX/Diners/Discover/Master Card/Visa)” : when selected, RSForm!Pro checks if the submitted card information are valid
- "USA ZIP Code" validation: checks if the submitted values are USA valid zip codes.
- "Phone Number (123-456-7890)" validation: - check if supplied value is a valid phone number
- "IP Address" and “URL”: only valid IP addresses and URL-s will be submitted
- "Regex" validation: when applying this validation rule, advanced users can create their own validation patterns.

Read the documentation
2. Syntax Highlighting
RSForm!Pro uses now the CodeMirror library to highlight the HTML, css, JavaScript and php syntax from the scripting areas. The option must be enabled first from the “Configuration” tab.

3. Plugin to migrate forms from Blue Flame Form
Within a few clicks, you can now migrate all your Joomla! 1.5 forms created with Blue Flame Forms into your RSForm!Pro installation.
Once you have installed the BF Forms plugin, you will be able to import via the “Configuration” tab, all your forms along with their submissions.

4. Additional Emails Script
The PHP Email Scripts area has a new option, “Script called before the Additional Emails are sent”, which allows you to control, via the $additionalEmail variable, the email information.
5. Fallback method for Joomla! language files
The Fallback method included in revision 41 will load, by default, the English language file whenever RSForm!Pro encounteres issues in the configured language file.
Complete changelogHow to update to RSForm!Pro revision 41
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