New features were added into the new RSMail! revision , starting with a more friendly backend interface for Lists , advanced filtering options for the Subscribers listing , 3 newsletter templates , auto-responders that were changed into Follow-up campaigns and a new logging feature for the scheduled emails.
Friendly Interface For List Editing

Now you can rearrange fields by dragging them up or down and edit them just by clicking. Deleting a field will also remove all subscribers value stored for that field. You can also use the Enter key when adding the custom fields.
Advanced Subscribers Filtering Using Ajax
You can now have a strict filtering method using multiple criteria with a logic operator (and , or)."And" is more restrictive, used to search for results that meet all the selected filters at once; "Or" will display subscribers that meet any of the selected filters.

There is also a new button called "Select Filtered Subscribers" , which is useful for selecting all the results (including the ones that will not show in the first page). Combined filtering help you move, delete or even send messages to subscribers immediately or scheduled using a cron job.
For a more detailed explanation refer to the RSMail! Rev.16 video presentation.
New Message Templates

There are 3 new message templates available within RSMail!. The templates are predefined and designed to comply with general e-mail guidelines. Customizing is done easily by changing the HTML code.
Follow-up Campaigns
We changed and improved the auto-responders. A timeline was added for a graphical representation of the e-mails that will be sent. The whole configuration process has been improved and optimized. You can add , rearrange (via drag and drop) or delete messages directly from the timeline.

New Scheduled E-mail Logging Feature

Cron logs were added as a simple email listings. Since scheduled sessions can expand over a longer period of time this can be rather useful for checking the current status.