Probably the most requested feature for RSForm!Pro, this revision adds the possibility to edit submissions in the frontend area, restrict form access, perform calculations and even a Google map inside your form.
Directory submissions
The functionality of our form builder has been extended even more, form's submissions can now be automatically listed in the frontend area, edited and exported as PDF and or CSV.
This is not all! You can also setup permissions on who can edit the submitted information and have a granular control on what and where the information can be viewed or edited by splitting it between the details view and the regular submissions listing.
These flexible features are detailed and explained in this article.
Form Calculations
Adding simple calculations to a form has never been much easier. Create your selector fields, insert an input for the result and make your equation. The expression will use the mathematical order of operators to perform the actual calculation.
If this sounds elaborate, then you should check this calculation form example article.
Restrict form access and Google map
Form's access can now be restricted from the "Properties" tab. This will restrict the direct access to your form based on the standard Joomla! user groups.
A new field called Google map has been added. This comes with several tweaks to further customize the Google map form field.
RSJoomla! Community
The feedback requests you leave do have an impact on the future revisions of our components. We are listening and taking into consideration your requests when deciding on the future path in our development list.
RSForm!Pro's 48'th revision was possible because of this. The feedback request section is open for new ideas.
form cause
Useful post . Coincidentally , others are requiring a 2007 CA PLD-PI-001(1) , my business partner filled out and esigned a fillable version here form cause.
GREAT new features!
All of the mentioned aspects are configurable. You can decide who can edit or what information to display.
Hello Suggestions to overcome the disadvantages of the new version of “RS Form Pro 48”
Quote1. Users can view and edit submissions for herself .(your style is interesting but it is useful for managers.)
For example:which part is determind that ID user has access to view and edit forms, if the vast number of users fill out the form cause managers are a waste of time.
2. Show information for all is wrong even if some of groups have permission for view and edit, since some of information maybe confidential.
RSFormPro rev 48
Having just watched the vid for the submission feature I feel like all of my Xmas's have come at once.This feature is perfect!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!
QuoteFor all those heavily "into" joomla but who are not programmers it is the final solution.
excited with the news
looking forward to play with the new features.
QuoteCurious to find out if via the submissions directory php scripting we will be able to edit records of any table in the database...