After analyzing what differentiates a website from another in terms of productivity, we came to the conclusion that the communication between you (the website) and your targeted audience is crucial. Although there are plenty of form generators (we even have the best there is: RSForm! Pro ) we believe that not everyone has time to learn to use a component and decided to create a module that is user friendly, but still retain the quality of RSJoomla! products.

Form Fields
The module comes with a pre-defined form that contains all of fields that you would find in a regular contact form. All of the fields present the option to be enabled, disabled or "required" just by a simple switch.

Custom Fields
Although the module itself provides a working contact form, you are given the option to enable additional custom fields which can be Textboxes, Textareas, Dropdowns, Radio Groups or Checkboxes, each one fully customizable.

Built In Spam Prevention
To further enhance your form, Spam Protection is present as well. Using the core Joomla! reCAPTCHA plugin, you will not be prone to spam-attacks.

Customizable Emails
Although the module itself does not store submitted data in the database, it provides enhanced functionality by allowing you to configure the email that gets sent upon submitting the form. You will be able to select an email address for the administrator, allow your user to decide if he gets a copy of the email and the content of the email can be customized through the use of placeholders. You can find more information in the documentation articledocumentation article

Custom CSS and Javascript sections
If the form does not have the right look and feel of your website, you can address this from the special scripting areas present in the module. You will be able to declare your own set of CSS set of rules and Javascript functions so it meets your project requirements.
Why would you use RSContact?
Although we can try to convince you that the module will do this and that, however I think it would be best to let you decide for yourself. Head over to our Free Downloads section, download it and install it through the standard Joomla! extension manager. Full product documentation can be found here.
We will be waiting your ideas and suggestions on the Feedback section. Also, if you run into problems, we created a dedicated section on the forum where we will provide tech-support.
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Hola. Mi pregunta es :si es compatible con virtuemart ?
QuoteJoomla! Version
Minimum requirement to run RSContact! is Joomla! 3.2
QuoteFunciona en Joomla 3.3.6 y 2.5?
QuoteOs quería consultar si esta versión es válida para las versiones de joomla 3.3.6 y 2.5.
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