Regardless if you want to grow your business or to keep up with the trends in online marketing, surely you are considering or already implementing an email campaign. RSForm! Pro comes to meet your needs through the newest plugins, allowing you to easily create custom subscription forms for your preferred email-marketing manager.
Aside from the already known plugins for MailChimp, Constant Contact and dotmailer, we are now adding three new integration plugins for some of the popular campaign managers:
Ease of use is one of the strong points of our plugins, all you need to do in order to benefit from these integrations is:
- Decide on which email marketing manager you want to use
- Download the integration plugin from our site and install it through the default Joomla! installer
- Configure the integration parameters. This can be easily done since each integration will have its own tab available in the form configuration
- Publish the form in the front-end
We hope that this has helped convince you to take one further step in developing your forms and give the new set of plugins a try. Please let us know what you think in the comments section below.