RSSalma! - a brand new Joomla! 3.x template

in Templates on 13 Jun 2018 having 1 comments
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Middle of 2018 - a perfect moment to launch a brand new template - meet RSSalma!, the latest addition to our growing portfolio.

Some features of our new Joomla! template:

front-end customizer
Minimalist design

RSSalma! offers a simplistic interface making it a perfect fit for minimalist design fans.

Fully Responsive

As you're already used to, RSSalma! as well as all our templates is fully responsive, built following the Joomla! 3.x standards. The RSPageBuilder! integration ensures that you can build your content easily without needing to write a single line of code.

fully responsive

front-end customizer
Front-end Customizer

The ease of use for this template is further extended by the front-end customizer, with this you can easily control the entire color scheme of your site. Just use the color picker tools for each listed element and you will be done in a matter of minutes.


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Ferhat Abbas Sétif Univesity 1 - 21.01.2019 (07:19:53)

Thank you, owsome templates


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