We are happy to announce you our new and improved version of RSForm!Pro. Let's take the main features of the component one by one and talk a little more about each one.
Multi File Upload
Since this was a highly demanded feature by our clients, we decided to include this in the latest version of the component. This feature will allow your users to upload multiple files during their form submission, through a single form field.
Until this version, if you wanted to allow your users to upload multiple files, you had to create a File Upload field for each file that had to be uploaded.
Now, you can easily achieve this by editing your File Upload field, switching to the Attributes tab and setting to "Yes" the "Multiple" option. When this option is enabled, more configuration fields will become visible, such as: Minimum Uploads, Maximum Uploads or Separator option which will allow you to configure the fields as per your needs.
Enclosure and Delimiter options for CSV export
One of the most useful functionalities of RSForm!Pro is that allows exporting the form submissions into CSV format file through Submission Directory menu item.
This functionality has also been improved and now you can specify a custom CSV enclosure or CSV delimiter, by editing your Submission Directory menu item and switching to "Options" tab.
The CSV enclosure encloses each value in the CSV file and is usually a double quote (")(For example: "Value 1","Value 2","Value 3") and the delimiter (separator) is placed between the field values and is usually a comma (,)(For example: Value 1,Value 2,Value 3)
Submissions editing improvements
When editing a submission(through the backend or the frontend area)for a form that contains an Upload Field, now you can easily remove the uploaded files and upload new ones. The edit functionality will also consider the File Upload field configuration options, such as the "Minimum Uploads", "Maximum Uploads" or "File size".
Grid Builder improvements
We did not forget about the Grid Builder whose functionality has also been improved.
Now, the fields can be published or unpublished, set as required or not by simply Right-clicking on them.
Using the Grid Builder has never been easier.
Multi File Upload
Thank you very much for the multi-file upload feature. Many many customers have been asking for this for a long time, and now it is easy to serve them. A very welcome update!