RSForm!Pro - Create RSTickets!Pro tickets when submitting a form

in RSForm!Pro, RSTickets!Pro on 25 Oct 2019 having 3 comments
RSForm!Pro - RSTickets!Pro integration

Can I use RSForm!Pro to submit tickets to RSTickets!Pro?

This is a frequently asked question among our support tickets.

Well, the wait is over as we have released an integration plugin that allows creating RSTickets!Pro tickets, by submitting a form created with RSForm!Pro.

How this integration works?

In order to create a custom ticket submission form, through RSForm!Pro, you will have to follow these simple steps:

1. Install both the RSForm!Pro and RSTickets!Pro components

2. Install the RSForm!Pro - RSTickets!Pro plugin

3. Create a new RSForm!Pro form

4. Switch to Form Properties tab and click on the "Create RSTickets! Pro Ticket" section

5. Set to "Yes" the "Enabled" option

6. Create a form field for each field listed in the "Core fields" section

7. Head back to "Create RSTickets! Pro Ticket" section and map the RSForm!Pro fields with the ones from "Core fields" section

After taking these steps, new tickets can be created in RSTickets!Pro by submitting the newly created RSForm!Pro form.

Creating a custom ticket submission form for RSTickets!Pro has never been easier!

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Gianluca Cordioli - 15.01.2020 (05:00:55)
Acquisto modulo

Come posso acquistare il modulo RSFORMPRO e registrarlo


Meavin - 07.12.2019 (06:28:58)
Need a special discount other than 30% on renewal

Hello There,

I'm about to renew the extension(RSFor m Pro) and looking to have some more discount around 25-30% other than the regular discount on renewal. Can you please help me with same.
Thanks a lot!



Keith Mason - 14.11.2019 (04:14:07)
Integration to Hubspot?

Hi guys,

I wondered if you had any plans to create an integration between RSForms / RS Tickets and the Hubspot CRM?
If not, could I possibly request the feature be developed?

Many thanks,



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