RSRadda!, our latest release, is a multi-purpose template, highly customizable, user-friendly that is suitable for any business website. RSRadda! is compatible with Joomla! 3.x. and offers seamless integration with our RSMembership! component.
Some of our new Joomla! template's features:
RSMembership! integration
Without restrictions for other extensions, RSRadda! has an integration with RSMembersip! and provides custom styles for this component modules and layouts.
RSMembership! Subscribe module
Starting with this template launch, a new RSMembership! module has been released: RSMembership! Subscribe Module.
This provides a simple form for a quick membership selection, eventually leading to the membership to complete the subscription process. Being a module you can basically publish it anywhere on your website so users can have a swift access to your membership collection.
Responsive design
As well as our other templates, RSRadda! our new Joomla! template, has a responsive design, built following the Joomla! 3.x standards. The integration with RSPageBuilder! will allow you to build your content easily without needing to write a single line of code.
Frontend Customizer
Using the Frontend Customizer you can easily change, from the frontend area different options of the template, such as: body background color, navigation colors, border or buttons radius, font size and font family.