
RSEvents!Pro 1.14.0 - Multilanguage Support and various improvements

in RSEvents!Pro on 26 Jan 2023 having 0 comments
RSEvents!Pro 1.14.0

We have released a new RSEvents!Pro component version, our Joomla! event management solution.

RSEvents!Pro Version 1.14.0 includes the followings:

Multilanguage support

If you have a Multi Language Joomla! website, you can create translations for events titles, tickets, custom fields, location, tags, categories, offline payment methods..., the translatable items can be easily identified by the flag icon displayed near the field caption.

Multilanguage support
New menu item

The new version of RSEvents!Pro allows you to display all the subscriptions made to all your events through the 'All Subscriptions' menu item. This can be accessed in the frontend area only by users that have sufficient permissions defined in the `Groups` section.

RSEvents!Pro - All Subscriptions menu item
Waiting list captcha

We have added a new option to the Captcha configuration, more precisely, the Waiting list can also be protected against spam submissions through a simple configuration selection.

RSEvents!Pro - Waitinglist form captcha

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