Among search engine optimization, newsletter campaigns, PPC, banner ads, blogging has become a key promotional strategy : it strengthens your brand, promotes your image online, facilitates the “word of mouth” and helps you engage with your customers.
The blogging experience has just become better with the release of our newest Joomla! extension - RSBlog!
RSBlog! has all the features you need to get started:
1. Publish posts -easy as 1-2-3
Enjoy writing new content for your Joomla! blog with the quickposts feature and remote publishing while you’re on the move.
Set posts sticky, auto-archive and password protect them, using an intuitive dashboard for both beginners and advanced users.

2. Spread the word with social media integration
RSBlog! makes the social media experience a breeze with the Twitter, Facebook and AddToAny integration. All you have to do is to select the social media channels and enable the sharing feature in the Joomla! backend panel.

3. Trackback and pingback functions
The trackback and pingback functions notify you when someone on the web links to one of your posts.
It’s an easier way to keep track of who links back to your site and allows you to connect with other bloggers from your niche.

4. Joomla! comment system integration
You can use popular Joomla! commenting extensions with RSBlog! The smooth integration with RSComments!, JComments and JomComments helps you interact with your visitors and strengthens the customers relationship.
5. Tag management
With RSBlog! you can quickly add/remove tags to your blog posts.
The cleanup feature from the “Configuration” tab allows you to remove the unused tags in seconds.

6. Category management
With RSBlog! you can create nested article categories and assign user permissions to them.
7. Advanced user permissions management
With RSBlog! you have complete control over user permissions: create new user groups and decide who can view, submit, publish and delete blog posts.

8. Clean code, easy to use interface, continuous development and fanatical support
These are the ingredients that helped us build quality extensions till now and these are the ingredients that we used to build RSBlog! as well.
This week you'll get RSBlog! at half price with the coupon code available on twitter.
Check it out!