We’ve put a lot of passion in developing RSBlog! - a fantastic blogging extension, designed in the RSJoomla! characteristic style:
an easy to use interface, social media integrations, trackback & ping articles, tag cloud & tag management, quick posts, remote publishing and many more.
Here’s a sneak preview before launching RSBlog!
2 perfect features for busy people: quickposts and remote publishing.
1. Quickposts
Quickposts are a breeze: just add the article title, content and tags on the "RSBlog!" dashboard, hit the "Publish" button
and you are ready to blog!
Moreover, if you’re using RSFiles! or RSComments!, within a few clicks, you can embed files in blog posts or enable/disable comments for the new post.

2. Remote publishing
If you’re on the move, then you’ll love this feature: post new articles on your blog by email.
All you need to do is to configure the remote publishing functionality in the backend panel, test the connection and you’re ready to blog!

3. Auto-Archive Posts
While you’re on the “Configuration” tab, why not enable the auto-archive posts older than a predefined time period ...

... or quickly remove empty categories, groups and unused tags?

Ready to blog?
Stay close to get our special packages when launching RSBlog!: huge discounts and bundles for
RSBlog!+RSComments! and RSBlog!+RSFiles!