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16 votes

Plugin for CCAvenue payment gateway (India)

by mail_alv on 04 Mar 2016 12:57 | 2712 Hits | 1 comment(s)

Please create a plugin for CCAvenue payment gateway. This gateway is the most popular gateway in India. India has massive net users. Indian webmaster can't accept India Currency payment through overseas gateways like paypal, as per our laws.

Meavin - 24.02.2019 (11:58:28)
CCAvenue Payment gateway plugin for RSForms

Hello There,

Since I ve been acknowledged as a crazy user and customer of RSForms and CCAvenue, I would like to request your kind attention to take this into the consider and create CCAvenue payment gateway plugin ASAP.

Hope to have a quickly positive response.

Awaiting reply.

Best Regards,


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