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New features in order to make it be better then WP+Yoast

by vojkanbg on 04 Apr 2017 11:01 | 2307 Hits | 0 comment(s)


I use your RS SEO plugin for a few years now.
Since I also use WordPress + Yoast, I have to say that your plugin lacks some important features.

Compared to Yoast, top features you don't have are:
- Custom social (Facebook and Twitter) meta tags for each page,
- Keyword in the first paragraph check
- Keyword density check
- Keyword in at least one alt attribute check
- Usage of focus keyword in any subheading (such as an H2) in your copy.
- Keyword in URL check
- Check if focused keyword is already used on another page.
- Minimum article length check
- Google, Bing, Yandex verification check.

The feature that is the most popular one and which almost all sites use is ability to add meta tags.

It would be very useful to add custom Meta tag for geo meta data, custom meta tag verification (e.g. Google Webmaster Tools, Bing Webmaster Tools, Yandex Webmaster Tools, Pinterest, Majestic SEO, Flippa,...) and ability to add any other custom tag. This shouldn't take too much time and it would spare users from installing a bunch of other plugins. - Yoast has this too.

Please consider including new features, since many SEO / Web-Design agencies have completely left Joomla due to its lack of SEO options.

Kind Regards,

PS. Also, since Joomla already has options for Title tag and Meta description tag, I don't understand why RS SEO uses its own database fileds for these values. With this setting if for some reason I have to disable RS SEO I will lose all custom Title and Meta Descriptio.

And another important thing is that Joomla on articles pages doesn't have H1 tag. There should be option to add H1 for each page or to change name of the article from H2 to H1.

If you don't take this these features seriously, both RS Joomla and Joomla will continue to lose users to WordPress.

And did I also mention that Yoast in its basic/free version offers more SEO options then RS Joomla. Think about that!

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