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10 votes

add a ticket message

by researchware on 09 Apr 2019 10:01 | 1811 Hits | 0 comment(s)

Just as a technician can add a new ticket on behalf of a user/client, such as if they are collecting the information by phone, it would be really helpful to be able to add a ticket message/reply just as if the customer had replied to the ticket by email or the web, but by a technician entering the note on the customer's behalf (again, for example, from a phone call). As a message it would be visible as part of the scrolling exchange between technician(s) and the client.

Notes have a disadvantage of being in a separate dialog when you want to view them.

Alternative, allow Notes to be viewed in date order as part the the message tab, but notes still being only viewable by technicians.

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